I agree with Andrea, your proposed change looks good.

Please go ahead and open an issue on JIRA for that (referencing this mail thread).

Then, if you would like to submit a PR for that...


On 24/05/2017 12:14, Andrea Patricelli wrote:

sounds good to me! It would be a nice and feasible improvement.

Best regards,

Il 24/05/2017 12:11, Tirasa ha scritto:

When using *syncope-enduser* to create or edit a User, it would be nice to have a feedback when user tries to link a group or resource that does not exist and block user from entering any group/resource when no groups/resources are available in the system.

For instance ("Group" test case):

 * I am in "Groups" tab and manually enter a not existing group name in
   "Groups" input element;
 * Click "Next" and I'm on next tab;
 * Go back to "Groups" tab and the group I have entered is not there

*Problem*: I have got no feedbacks about the situation and I have initially thought my group was linked to my user.

*Possible* *solution* ("Group" test case):

 * /Case/ /1/: there is a group at least:

    1. If user inserts a not existing group (he does not choose one
       from dropdown) and clicks on "Next" button -->  show a message
       to warn that he must choose a group from dropdown : Sample
       <http://imgur.com/EKfbVrS> ;
    2. The group name he have entered will be removed from input
       element : Sample <http://imgur.com/1T16lBe>;
    3. If user inserts no groups, everything should work as usual.

 * /Case/ /2/: there are no groups:

    1. "Groups" input element should be disabled by default.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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