Colm O hEigeartaigh <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm seeing an error with the installer on master, where I'm ending up with
> an invalid console pom.xml, as it's copying an extra "setupActivitiModeler"
> plugin. The code in the installer manually adds this plugin in
> ArchetypeProcess. Has something changed so that it no longer needs to do
> this?

I've recently changed the Activiti Modeler setup in 2_0_X, so probably there 
was some problem when cherry-picking to master.

I'll take a look.
Francesco Chicchiriccò
Tel +393290573276

Amministratore unico @ Tirasa S.r.l.
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Member at The Apache Software Foundation
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"To Iterate is Human, to Recurse, Divine"
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