Sure this code works. For the client geared to do this specific query only. Def not an option for the 'curl' one :-)

On 29/06/17 10:19, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 29/06/2017 11:04, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
Hi Francesco

OK. So, as far as the Syncope returning the list of printers to the client code issuing the query, how would it guess that when someone searches for the blue cartridges it is actually a list of printers is expected ? Where will this code which next goes over the list of all the cartridges and prepare a list of Printers will sit ?

As far as the demand is concerned: it is driven by a too long URI production issue Colm referred to

The URI too long is generated if you do the search the way Colm describes it.

If instead, by following Fabio's suggestion, you search for all Cartdriges with "colour==blue" having a certain RelationshipType (which you have prior defined, with Printers, say it is named 'PRINTER_CARTDRIGE_ASSIGNMENT'), then you need a single query with the following FIQL:


Such query will return a list of AnyObjectTO instances, each of which containing a list of RelationshipTO, where each RelationshipTO instance has a type field.

Hence, to get "the printers with a blue cartridge", it will be enough to iterate over the returned list of AnyObjectTO instances (of type CARTDRIGE), find the RelationshipTO instances of type PRINTER_CARTDRIGE_ASSIGNMENT, and finally get the other side of the relationship, e.g. the printer.

PagedResult<AnyObjectTO> cartdriges = ...; // returned by the search
         List<String> printers = new ArrayList<>();
         for (AnyObjectTO cartdrige: cartdriges.getResult()) {
for (RelationshipTO relationship: cartdrige.getRelationships()) { if ("PRINTER_CARTDRIGE_ASSIGNMENT".equals(relationship.getType())) {

Anyway, as said, there is always room to improve.

On 29/06/17 09:53, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 29/06/2017 10:52, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
Hi Fabio

That would not work at the generic level as it would require a 2-way relationship (cartridge - printer for ex) which is not always realistic to expect,

In the Syncope data model, all Relationships are 2-way.

I agree with Fabio: the use case proposed by Colm is doable with current implementation.

Naturally, there is always room for improvements, but I don't see much demand ATM.


On 29/06/17 09:07, Fabio Martelli wrote:

Il 28/06/2017 18:34, Colm O hEigeartaigh ha scritto:
Thanks for the feedback guys! Let me just expand a bit on the motivation
behind my previous example....

Let's say I'm managing hundreds of printers each of which have a
relationship to a cartridge (of which there are many hundreds) with a
colour attribute. I want to find the printers with a blue cartridge.

So I first make a search for a list of "blue" cartridges. Then I search for the printers that have a relationship with these cartridges. The problem is
on the second search I end up with a ginormous search expression
" that could be an invalid URL.

Is there a better way of handling it than this?
Hi Colm, maybe you can search all the cartridges blue with a relationship with a printer. The result will be a list of cartridges. Each item will be reported including a specific field relationships (if I well remember) about all the printers related to the item. In this case, you will have all the info you need retrieved by a single short query. Don't you agree?



On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Sergey Beryozkin <>

Hi Francesco

One thing I can point to is this code:

There, in the end,

it branches to either doBuildPredicate() (==> similar to Syncope
SearchCondVisitor.visitPrimitive) or doBuildCollectionPredicate()

When we have "a.b.c" then if 'b' is a collection then it would branch to

It was awhile back since I played with the typed JPA2 code, Native one is
a mystery...

I agree supporting such queries is not easy...but supporting then can
offer an ultimate search experience :-)

Cheers, Sergey

On 28/06/17 10:26, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 28/06/2017 10:59, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

Hi Francesco

Thanks for the explanation.

I see why the example I pointed to won't be applicable to Syncope.
In that case when the linked beans are available, CXF
AbstractSearchParser will prepare a bean tree which would be initialized with the values from the expression like "a.b.c" and the OOB visitor like
JPA2 one takes care of dealing with these linked beans.

In the SearchBean case it is up to the custom visitor whether to react to the '.'s or not where a '.' indicates that for ex 'a' needs to have 'b'
with a property 'c'.

Do you reckon Syncope custom visitors can be updated to support such queries ? Not sure about ElasticSearch but for SQL it should probably be

Maybe in principle yes, it could be possible to support such queries but:

1. implementation would be rather complex as the query logic is already
quite involved
2. we haven't had may requests for such complex queries so far

...anyway, as you know, volunteers are welcome :-)


On 28/06/17 09:46, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 28/06/2017 10:41, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:


I think something similar works for a CXF FIQL JPA2 visitor, for

(find the books which have been revied done by Ted)

Hi Sergey,
that would work if we had straight beans as in the linked sample.

Syncope data model is instead much more involved as new schema for attributes can be defined at runtime: this is the reason why we have SearchCondVisitor [1] translating FIQL into our internal search conditions, which serve as input to one of available implementations of AnySearchDAO like as the default one based on SQL views [2] and another relying on
Elasticsearch-based [3].



On 28/06/17 08:54, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 27/06/2017 18:18, Colm O hEigeartaigh wrote:

Thanks Francesco! On a related note, let's say I have some AnyObjects (Printer) with a relationship to other AnyObjects (Cartridge). Now I
to search for a Printer which has a relationship with a Cartridge
with a
"colour" attribute of "blue". Is there a way to do this via a FIQL

No, you cannot express such condition ATM; you could do for example:


which translates to FIQL


but this would rather search for blue printers having a relationship with an any object with key 'ce75249b-76e4-44b6-88ae-0841846faceb'.

or alternatively


which translates to FIQL


but this would rather search for blue printers having a relationship


On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 4:29 PM, Francesco Chicchiriccò <> wrote:

On 27/06/2017 17:24, Colm O hEigeartaigh wrote:
Hi all,
How can I retrieve a list of AnyObjects? The following returns a

curl -I -X GET -u admin:password

You must at least provide the AnyType, e.g.


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