Hi Misagh,

we "struggle" with content management every day, mainly for customer projects. So everything that simplifies and helps content management is definitely supported by me.

So if some knowledge/thinks or practical work on this is needed I would be glad to help.

Il 16/01/20 17:37, Misagh Moayyed ha scritto:
Hey Team,

Wanted to share a couple of ideas with you to see if they may be worth 
following up with JIRAs and PRs:

- While working on Syncope, often times I end up making a change in the admin 
console (i.e. adding a configuration parameter), and then I export/download the 
configuration XML, pick out the new changes from the saved XML file to put into 
my own version of the MasterContent.xml. This works great with one small issue 
and that is, I have to download and the save file. It would be more comfortable 
if Syncope offered a way to just view the XML configuration with an export 
option separately.
It would be a good starting point.

- Similarly, it would be even better if I the admin console allowed one to view 
the XML configuration of an individual item. For example, I would be interested 
in seeing the XML representation of the new configuration parameter I added in 
the admin console, or it might be a user object, group, etc.

I know that is not trivial to implement this, so agree with Francesco.

Moreover, since we are talking about this, it would be helpful also to have (or think the two proposal above as) a content editor that, in a way, leads the user to correct filling of the content (id clash, ordering, complex connector conf JSON, etc.). Even very basic.



Best regards,

Dott. Andrea Patricelli
Tel. +39 3204524292

Engineer @ Tirasa S.r.l.
Viale Vittoria Colonna 97 - 65127 Pescara
Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

Apache Syncope PMC Member

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