Hi Francesco,

Thank you for your timely response.
I have tried to insert the following snippet into my spring-orm.xml file 
(before the </entity-mappings> and after the </entity> for 
 however it still appears to be creating as a VARCHAR(255) on postgresql as if 
the overrides are being ignored - if I have been a fool please do let me know.

    <basic name="stringValue">
      <column column-definition="text" />

    <basic name="stringValue">
      <column column-definition="text" />

    <basic name="stringValue">
      <column column-definition="text" />


On Friday, 16 February 2024 at 14:49, Francesco Chicchiriccò 
<ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 16/02/24 15:40, GCHQDeveloper29 wrote:
> > Currently, string value'd schema are limited to 255 characters in length 
> > due to OpenJPA defaults.
> > It would be beneficial to either have this length as adjustable, increased 
> > or converted to a Lob.
> > The relevant code is within 
> > core/persistence-jpa/src/main/java/org/apache/syncope/core/persistence/jpa/entity/AbstractPlainAttrValue.java
> Hi,
> you should be able to tweak any column definition by adjusting your local ORM 
> file.
> The actual file to change is the one indicated by the
> persistence.domain[0].orm
> property, e.g. spring-orm.xml by default.
> The OpenJPA settings will in fact get metadata definitions both from Java 
> annotations (which are in fact immutable) and ORM xml file, with the latter 
> taking precedence over the former.
> Regards.
> --
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> Tirasa - Open Source Excellence
> http://www.tirasa.net/
> Member at The Apache Software Foundation
> Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail
> http://home.apache.org/~ilgrosso/

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