---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: DocSearch Support <documentationsea...@algolia.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun, 2020, 21:55
Subject: Re: Help me improve my documentation search :)
To: <janard...@apache.org>

Hi there,

The DocSearch team has a news to share with you: We are on the process to
release a new version of the search User Interface.

We are doing a pre-release on Docusaurus to iterate faster and improving
the current sate of this UI. We will then release a vanilla version so that
anyone can integrate it. We will share a blog post and a migration guide to
got you covered.

You're invited to our next online event for developers: the Algolia
Community Party! The topic will be around Developer Experience,
Documentation and Open-Source. Join us on Thursday, June 4th at 8am PST /
5pm CEST (Europe)

We will present you the current state of DocSearch and show you the ins and
outs of this new release. In addition to this talk, we're proud to bring a
speaker from Facebook, live from Seattle. The talks will show the technical
behind-the-scenes of documentation, like exploring built-in themes with
plugins, and even creating one during the event!

- DocSearch: Enhancing the developer experience of open-source
documentation - Sylvain Pace, Full-Stack Software Engineer at Algolia
- Documentation made easy with Docusaurus - Dmitry Vinnik, Open-source
Developer Advocate at Facebook.

Open time for Q&A. RSVP HERE

So grab a cup of tea, of coffee or a glass of lemonade, get comfortable and
join us at our next Algolia Community Party online!

The DocSearch team

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Sylvain Pace
Software Engineer
 |  www.algolia.com |  @algolia
<https://www.algolia.com/> <https://www.algolia.com/>[image: algolia]
On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 0:07:24 CET, DocSearch Support <
documentationsea...@algolia.com> wrote:
> Hi Janardhan,
> Thank you for the great news,
> Let us know if you need anything,
> Have a great day,
> Cheers
> Sylvain Pace
> Software Engineer
>  |  www.algolia.com |  @algolia
> <https://www.algolia.com/> <https://www.algolia.com/>[image: algolia]
> <https://www.algolia.com/>
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 16:52:09 CET, <janard...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi Sylvian Pace,
>> Thanks a lot for the configure. We have integrated the search utility in
>> our snapshot version and will be published with our next release.
>> Link here: http://apache.github.io/systemml/
>> Janardhan
>> Bridge Design Engineer
>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 14:55:18 CET, DocSearch Support <
>> documentationsea...@algolia.com> wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> Following up on my last email about DocSearch. I was wondering if you
>>> had a chance to look at it in detail and integrate the code snippet on your
>>> documentation pages? Is there anything I could help you with?
>>> Looking forward to hearing back from you soon,
>>> Sylvain Pace
>>> Software Engineer
>>>  |  www.algolia.com |  @algolia
>>> <https://www.algolia.com/> <https://www.algolia.com/>[image: algolia]
>>> <https://www.algolia.com/>
>>> On Mon, Mar 4, 2019 at 16:02:57 CET, DocSearch Support <
>>> documentationsea...@algolia.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> Congratulations, your search is now ready!
>>>> I've successfully configured the underlying crawler and it will now run
>>>> every 24h.
>>>> You're now a few steps away from having it working on your website:
>>>> - Copy the following CSS/JS snippets and add them to your page
>>>> <!-- at the end of the HEAD -->
>>>> <link rel="stylesheet" href="
>>>> https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsearch.js@2/dist/cdn/docsearch.min.css";
>>>> />
>>>> <!-- at the end of the BODY -->
>>>> <script type="text/javascript" src="
>>>> https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsearch.js@2/dist/cdn/docsearch.min.js";></script>
>>>> <script type="text/javascript"> docsearch({
>>>> apiKey: '78c19564c220d4642a41197baae304ef',
>>>> indexName: 'apache_systemml',
>>>> inputSelector: '### REPLACE ME ####',
>>>> debug: false // Set debug to true if you want to inspect the dropdown
>>>> });
>>>> </script>
>>>> - Add a search input in your page if you don't have any yet. Then
>>>> update the inputSelector value in JS snippet to a CSS selector that targets
>>>> your search input field.
>>>> - Optionally customize the look and feel by following the DocSearch
>>>> documentation (https://community.algolia.com/docsearch/styling.html)
>>>> - You can also check your configuration in our github repo (
>>>> https://github.com/algolia/docsearch-configs/blob/master/configs/apache_systemml.json).
>>>> - janard...@apache.org can get access to the full Algolia analytics
>>>> for your DocSearch index by creating an account, following this link:
>>>> https://www.algolia.com/users/invitation/accept?invitation_token=bJsh1sGNs1hZrs4z8jzy
>>>> Please open a pull request if want to leverage your configuration!
>>>> Feel free to get back to us if you have any issues or questions
>>>> regarding the integration.
>>>> We'd also be happy to get your feedback and thoughts about DocSearch -
>>>> so we can continue to improve it.
>>>> Have a nice day :)
>>>> Sylvain Pace
>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>  |  www.algolia.com |  @algolia
>>>> <https://www.algolia.com/> <https://www.algolia.com/>[image: algolia]
>>>> <https://www.algolia.com/>
>>>> On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 19:52:43 CET, <janard...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> http://systemml.apache.org/docs/1.2.0/index.html

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