first week of December for our 0.8.1 release sounds good to me.

Apart from bug fixes and performance features, the focus should be mostly
on increasing robustness of our spark backend. Since 0.8.0, we already
added important features like "partitioned broadcasts" (in order to
overcome the 2GB broadcast limitation) and "improved guarded collect" (to
overcome OOM situations on RDD collect). There are still some open issues
w/ regard to (1) potential OOMs,  (2) repeated lazy evaluation of common
subexpressions, and (3) data converter utils for external formats.
Resolving these known issues would be a nice cut for this minor release.

Regarding the package refactoring, I agree that we should do this right
away; I would, however, prefer a short package name such as
'org.apache.dml' or 'org.apache.sysml'.


From:   Deron Eriksson <>
Date:   11/20/2015 11:09 AM
Subject:        Re: Next SystemML Release


Now that SystemML is an Apache Incubator project, the packages need to be
updated, right? (* to org.apache.systemml.*) Since the
project just moved to its new repo, it would probably be a good time to
make this update since this would minimize impact on developers. This
affects all Java files in the project.

Any thoughts?


On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 11:58 PM, Shirish Tatikonda <> wrote:

> Luciano,
> First week of December sounds good. That should give sufficient time to
> a few known issues.
> Shirish
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Luciano Resende <>
> wrote:
> > I would like to get our first official Apache release soon, which will
> > incorporate minor bug fixes and anything else post our 0.8.0 release.
> Any
> > other big enhancement we should target for this release ?
> >
> > How about targeting to cut a release in the first week of December ?
> >
> > --
> > Luciano Resende
> >
> >
> >
> >

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