Hi all,

Here is a quick committer guide to using Git with SystemML, located in the 
GitHub Gist at the following link, and reproduced below.

  • https://gist.github.com/dusenberrymw/78eb31b101c1b1b236e5

# SystemML Git Guide

## Setup Git repo locally
* Fork Apache SystemML to your personal GitHub account by browsing to 
[https://github.com/apache/incubator-systemml] and clicking "Fork".
* Clone your personal GitHub fork of Apache SystemML:
  * `git clone g...@github.com:USERNAME/incubator-systemml.git` // assuming the 
use of SSH keys with GitHub
* Add GitHub (read-only mirror) and Apache-owned (committer writeable) Git 
repositories as remotes:
  * `cd incubator-systemml`
  * `git remote add apache-github 
  * `git remote add apache 
* Add a Git alias for checking out GitHub pull requests locally:
  * Install alias globally by placing the following in `~/.gitconfig`
    pr = "!f() { git fetch ${2:-apache-github} pull/$1/head:pr-$1 && git 
checkout pr-$1; }; f"
  * Look at pull request on GitHub to determine the pull request number, 
indicated as "#4", for example.
  * Checkout out locally:
    * `git pr 4`

## PR flow
* Create local branch for feature(s):
  * `git checkout -b SYSML-####-My_Awesome_Feature`
* Make commits on `SYSML-####-My_Awesome_Feature` branch.
* Push the `SYSML-####-My_Awesome_Feature` branch to your personal GitHub fork 
of SystemML:
  * `git checkout SYSML-####-My_Awesome_Feature`
  * First push of this branch:
    * `git push --set-upstream origin SYSML-####-My_Awesome_Feature`
  * Future pushes of this branch:
    * `git push`
* Open a new pull request by browsing to the `SYSML-####-My_Awesome_Feature` 
branch on your personal GitHub fork of SystemML and clicking "New pull request".

## Merging (manually) without merge commits
* Update your local `SYSML-####-My_Awesome_Feature` branch with the latest 
commits in the Apache repo by *rebasing*:
  * `git checkout SYSML-####-My_Awesome_Feature`
  * `git pull --rebase apache master`
* Update your local `master` branch with the latest commits in the Apache repo:
  * `git checkout mater`
  * `git pull apache master`
* Move the commits from your local `SYSML-####-My_Awesome_Feature` branch to 
the local `master` branch.  Note: This will **not create merge commits** since 
both branches are fully updated from the Apache repo.
  * `git checkout master`
  * `git merge SYSML-####-My_Awesome_Feature`
    * Note: This should result in a "fast-forward" merge.
* Push to the Apache repo:
  * `git push apache master`

## Merging (script)

## Tricks
* If you add the phrase "Closes #4." to the end of a commit message and then 
push to Apache, GitHub will automatically close pull request 4, and the commit 
will contain a link to that pull request.



- Mike


Mike Dusenberry
GitHub: github.com/dusenberrymw
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/mikedusenberry

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