On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Niketan Pansare <npan...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here is a suggestion for reducing the barrier to entry for SystemML: "Have
> a detailed quickstart guide/video using Notebook on free (or trial-based)
> hosting solution like IBM Bluemix or Data Scientist Workbench".
> I have create a sample tutorial:
> https://github.com/niketanpansare/systemml_tutorial
> Missing items in above tutorial:
> 1. Create a separate section for Notebook rather than have it hidden under
> MLContext Programming guide (
> http://apache.github.io/incubator-systemml/spark-mlcontext-programming-guide.html
> ).
> 2. Add Python Notebooks (This requires attaching both jars and python
> MLContext to Zeppelin or Jupyter context).
> 3. Allow users to use jars from our nightly build (see my jupyter example)
> as well as released version (see my zeppelin example).
> 4. Tutorials for all our algorithms using real world dataset. Example:
> https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSPT3X_2.1.2/com.ibm.swg.im.infosphere.biginsights.tut.doc/doc/tut_Mod_BigR.html
> .
> 5. DML Kernel for Zeppelin (see
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SYSTEMML-542).
> 6. Other hosting services such as AzureML.
> 7. Tutorial that shows SystemML's integration with MLPipeline.
> These missing items can be broken down into relatively small tasks with
> detailed specification that external contributors can work on. Any
> thoughts ?
> Thanks,
Great !!! Any reason these are not on the project git (e.g.  samples) ? And
the tutorial as part of the documentation ? I believe that having a central
place to find these might be very useful for interested users.

Luciano Resende

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