Hi all,

As part of the PR https://github.com/apache/incubator-systemml/pull/197, I
have created a setup.py and also uploaded a preview version of the SystemML
Python package on PyPI (If interested, you can try it by following the
instructions given in
). This package packs the content of our distribution (license, notice,
readme, SystemML.jar and algorithms) along with the python files and is
also flagged with Apache 2.0 license in setup.py.

Wrt usage of our python code (namely mlcontext, mllearn, matrix wrapper and
embedded DSL), we have three options:
1. Ask users to clone the git repo and copy the src/main/python directory
to use SystemML from pyspark. For the java version, the user can then
download the corresponding release or build SystemML from the source.
2. Only publish the python package along with maven artifact.
3. Publish python package along with maven artifact and also upload it to

Note: The code is not yet merged in the trunk. Depending on the community
opinion and only after appropriate approvals, we will go ahead with one of
the above options.


Niketan Pansare
IBM Almaden Research Center
E-mail: npansar At us.ibm.com

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