I am also comfortable with option (2) ... "with a plan to implement its
distributed version"


Niketan Pansare
IBM Almaden Research Center
E-mail: npansar At us.ibm.com

From:   Matthias Boehm <mboe...@googlemail.com>
To:     dev@systemml.incubator.apache.org
Date:   10/21/2016 01:00 PM
Subject:        Re: Local versions of Linear Algebra Operators in DML

thanks Nakul for reaching out before starting work on this. Actually,
the introduction of these CP-only builtin functions was a big mistake
because (as you already mentioned) they mistakenly suggest that we
provide distributed operations for them too. The intend was to support
them in later versions with our own local and distributed
implementations. So far, this had low priority though because these
O(n^3) operations are seldom used over large data. However, a while
back, we lost potential users who were specifically interested in
distributed eigen - so there are still use cases.

Despite the good intentions behind the renaming, I would strongly argue
against it. First, it would unnecessarily lose compatibility with R
syntax. Second, it would defeat our clean abstraction by exposing
explicit local operations.

This leaves us with two options here: (1) you could use an external
(java-implemented) function, which gives you virtually the same runtime
behavior but a clear separation via an explicit registration, or (2) add
it to the list of CP-only operations (with a plan to implement its
distributed version) but name it 'svd' as in R.


On 10/21/2016 9:34 PM, Nakul Jindal wrote:
> Hi,
> Imran was planning on implementing a distributed SVD as a DML bodied
> function.
> The algorithm is described in the paper titled "A Distributed and
> Incremental SVD Algorithm for Agglomerative Data Analysis on Large
> Networks" available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1601.07010.
> This algorithm requires the availability of a local SVD function, which
> currently do not have in SystemML.
> Seeing as how there are other linear algebra functions (eigen, lu, qr,
> cholesky) in DML that reroute to Apache Common Math and only operate in
> standalone/CP mode, would it be ok to add "svd" to this set?
> Also, since these operations are local and not distributed and the
> documentation doesn't make it clear that these operations wont operate in
> distributed mode, would it make sense to rename them to "local_eigen",
> "local_qr", "local_cholesky", etc?
> Obviously, this change would go into the version after 0.11.
> I understand that the ideal solution to this problem is to have a
> distributed version of the aforementioned linear algebra routines, but
> the time being, would it be ok to go ahead do the rename, while also
> introducing a "local_svd" ?
> Niketan, Berthold, Matthias, Sasha - Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Nakul Jindal

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