Thanks for putting this together Niketan. However, could we please postpone this discussion after our 1.0 release? Right now, I'm concerned to see that we're adding many experimental features without really getting them done. This includes for example, the GPU backend, the new MLContext API, the Python DSL, the deep learning builtin functions, the Scala algorithm wrappers, the old Spark debugger interface, and compressed linear algebra. I think we should finish these features first before moving on. If we're not careful about that, it would quickly create a very bad impression for new users.


On 10/28/2016 1:20 AM, Niketan Pansare wrote:

Hi all,

To give every context, I am working on a new deep learning API for SystemML
that is backed by the NN library (
). This API allows the users to express their model using Caffe
specification and perform fit/predict similar to scikit-learn APIs. I have
created a sample notebook explaining the usage of the API:
. This API also allows the user to load and store pre-trained models. See

As part of this API, I added a mini-tensorboard like functionality (see
step 6 and 7) using matplotlib. If there is enough interest, we can extend
and standardize the visualization functionality across all over algorithms.
Here are some initial discussion points:
1. Primary visualization mechanism (Jupyter or a standalone app or both =>
former is useful for cloud offering such as DSX and latter provides the
design team more creative control)
2. What to plot for each algorithm (data scientists and algorithms
developers will help us here).
3. Standardize UI (if we decide to go with Jupyter, we need to extend the
code in _visualize method:
4. Primary APIs to target (python, scala, command-line or all)


Niketan Pansare
IBM Almaden Research Center
E-mail: npansar At

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