We have created the following branch to track Spark 1.6 fixes :

Note that, fixes that go into master, and are also affecting 1.6, they
should be cherry-picked to the 1.6 branch as well.

As for checking out, you will need to do something like the steps below
(your preference might change some steps)

git checkout -b branch-systemml-spark-1.6 origin/branch-systemml-spark-1.6
git branch --set-upstream-to origin/branch-systemml-spark-1.6

this last one is like:

git branch --set-upstream-to origin/my_remote_branch my_local_branch

For creating dev branches for 1.6, first go to you local 1.6 branch and
continue with your regular steps such as git branch -b JIRA-222

And good luck !!!

Luciano Resende

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