It has been an exciting 16 months so far, and the project has accomplished
4 official Apache Releases and is currently requesting the IPMC to approve
the 5th release. We have voted 3 new committers and PPMC members and
welcomed a new Mentor. The community continues to evangelize the project at
universities, blog posts, public webcasts, and in multiple conferences
which culminate in the project being awarded 'Best Paper' at VLDB 2016. And
last, but not least, the Incubator has asked us to evaluate and possibly
start the graduation process [1].

For now, I would like to get the community to take a quick look at the
'Graduation Guide' [2] and use this thread to discuss your opinion about
SystemML graduation.

In parallel, I will start working on updating the project page [3] with
milestones, and other details.


Luciano Resende

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