Hi all,

thanks for putting this discussion up ( I also started a similar one on private 
which did not gain traction at all but I think its better to discuss it here, 
either way).
For podlings there is no such thing as the attic so the natural way would be to 
move it over to Github and we could simplay grant full access to all current 
PPMC members.

This would not change anything, I guess as we would still be able to make 
releases (under github not ASF Policy then) and keep on working but as the 
github infra is quite nice (with issues and wiki and all) I don’t think that it 
would suffer much.

My honest opinion is that it will be extremely hard to get this podling to 
graduate anytime soon and that I currently don’t see that. So this could be a 
valid alternative.

But ofc that’s just my opinion.


Am 19.01.20, 21:41 schrieb "Werner Keil" <werner.k...@gmail.com>:

    Thanks for the discussion.
    I'm not sure, to what extent the ASF can really boost the project's
    popularity and adoption?
    There have been many uncertainties like the whole Config JSR issue,
    although that's now dead, but it still isn't completely sure, if
    MicroProfile Config would simply take its place or something inspired by it
    as well as other approaches like Oracle's Helidon?
    Most of it won't be effective until Jakarta EE 10, so another year since 9
    with its refactoring job isn't even scheduled, but it may come out around a
    year after Jakarta EE 8 (Sept '19) so with a possible annual release train
    like Eclipse had before this would be around Sep 2021 at the earliest.
    Until then the only thing would be to show TCK compatibility of MP Config
    and (not so different from Helidon) also provide some more powerful
    alternatives, including HOCON/Typesafe Config support.
    "Attic" isn't that where Tamaya would end up anyway, should it be
    I can tell from the experience of OpenDDR - DeviceMap (which graduated) and
    back to its original brand, that this has not really hurt the project.
    On the contrary, while we did not track downloads much in 2017, the second
    half of 2018 alone (also did not watch it before) saw a massive boost in
    downloads of the "device data" artifact up to 500 or 600k in 2018.
    Last year it went back a bit, but it was still around 150k in 2019, roughly
    10-12k per month on average (though it was not so evenly spread in reality)
    We could not get download stats from apache.org with the argument, that
    mirrors would not make that possible, so only the Maven repo downloads were
    available which never exceeded 200-250 in the peak days of Apache
    DeviceMap. Even in summer 2019 with a holiday gap OpenDDR data saw more
    As I have responsibilities for several Jakarta EE projects and the
    platform/Spec Committee, I also can't promise to contribute much.
    Beside Helidon which looks very healthy with steady contributions by Oracle
    and a few non-Oracle committers, Apache alone has 2 efforts:
    https://github.com/apache/commons-configuration (also extremely active and
    https://github.com/apache/geronimo-config an independent implementation of
    MP Config which seems practically abandoned for about a year, most likely
    because of several other implementations including SmallRye, Thorntail,
    Quarkus or Helidon.
    So I really can't say, if there is enough momentum to keep it alive in its
    current form. And simply putting it on GH, may not make much difference
    Which commercial clients are using Tamaya at the moment? And would they
    suffer, if it was archived as is?
    Looking at all the different MP implementations alone, not to mention their
    much bigger competitors like Spring or Micronaut (all of them contain
    configuration of their own) I am really skeptical, that it makes sense
    unless a major increase in contributors and contributions occur.
    Maybe it could be better for those with a vested interest in configuration
    to help either the mentioned Apache projects or the others outside ASF.
    On Sun, Jan 19, 2020 at 8:13 PM P. Ottlinger <pottlin...@apache.org> wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Am 17.01.20 um 20:57 schrieb Anatole Tresch:
    > > Honestly, I am opem to anything. Time actually is rare and I will not
    > have
    > > much in the next months either. We can think to move everything to GH 
    > > continue there as time allows...
    > The disadvantage of that would be we loose the umbrella of ASF with all
    > its infrastructure and regulations /such as attic/.
    > > There is not much innovation in this topic to ne expected either.
    > >
    > > Other opinions?
    > If we graduate we need to establish some sort of momentum and definitely
    > need more contributions.
    > Anatole and me not having that much time in the coming weeks means
    > roughly no changes at all ....
    > What do other contributors/list members think?
    > Cheers,
    > Phil

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