It's hard to keep up with tapestry versions in all cases. I have projects still deployed using 5.0.14, as well as Upgrading isn't always an option even if it's mostly painless.

That said, I generally refer to the javadoc, tapestry source to figure stuff out. The website documentation has been a good place to get a story about subject areas. If the javadoc is robust then keeping old versions of the web docs around is less of a requirment in my mind. Better package level documentation, putting component parameters and simple examples in the javadoc, perhaps just cut and paste from the web docs...

-- Josh

On Jun 2, 2010, at 12:50 AM, Ulrich Stärk <> wrote:

Managing a version of the documentation for each release in confluence is to the contrary quiet cumbersome. With every new release we need to *manually* copy the existing documentation to a new place. Page by page. Unfortunately there is no easy way to just create a copy of a page and all its subpages at once. All we could do is export the whole space and import it as a new one. This would mean one space for each version of the documentation and this will make administering the whole thing very complex. In addition it means that fixes to the documentation will have to be done in multiple places if we want to keep the docs for a released version up-to-date as well. I fear that nobody is willing to go through that hassle meaning that the documentation will be that as of the time of release. Then there is no reason to keep multiple versions, a static export from the time of release would be enough.


On 01.06.2010 22:54, Robert Zeigler wrote:
Other than having a branch (or separate diredtory) for 5.0 vs. 5.1 vs. 5.2, I don't see the approach of having separate documentation for each sub-release as being taxing. Quite the opposite: it seems to be that being sure to document when a feature was introduced, removed (String service id injection, eg.), or changed (ClassTransformation) within the documentation, including keeping notes of what applies to which version, within the same document is only going to lead to confusion, and more rules about documentation. I like having the separate documentation versions. I'm in the middle of upgrading an app right now from 5.0.14 (yup, that old) to; it was 5.0.14 for a long time because: a) we had monkey patched/worked around various issues fixed in later T5 releases so there was no pressing need to upgrade and b) the time commitment to upgrade, test, etc. the application was outweighed by the need to fix bugs and add features requested by the client. During the l
ast year+, being able to refer to documentation that is specific to 5.0 was a real boon. So, -1 for single documentation for all versions. :)


On Jun 1, 2010, at 6/13:13 PM , Ulrich Stärk wrote:

By chance I had a conversation with someone experienced in organizing documentation for software products later today and he recommends to follow a pragmatic approach. The documentation should always represent the latest development version and features should simply be marked with the version of their introduction. In case of changes to previous behaviour old and new behaviour should be documented, again with a note when the changes were introduced. Everything more complicated like managing a n- version documentation is likely to need a lot of rules and discipline and is therefore likely to not being successful.

This is more or less what I proposed in the last approach except that it isn't coupled to a change in our release process. Do you think this would be feasible?


On 01.06.2010 12:49, Ulrich Stärk wrote:
With the upcoming switch from maven-generated documentation to
documentation kept in confluence we should discuss how we will organize the documentation in the future, especially with respect to versioning.

Currently all work on Tapestry is done in trunk with some fixes being backported to the 5.1 tag, including documentation. This means that we have several completely independent versions of the documentation that can be generated on request. If we want to keep it that way, we will
have to somehow artificially version our documentation pages in
confluence. E.g. with a parent page "Documentation" and subpages for each Tapestry version like "Tapestry 5.1", "Tapestry 5.0" and "Tapestry dev" which themselves again contain independent pages for the different
topics like cookbook, user guide, tutorial, etc.

Another approach could be that we only have the most current
documentation in confluence and whenever a release is published, we
export the documentation to html and store it somewhere alongside the
release. This would have the advantage that we don't have to manage
several versions of the documentation but it would also mean that we can't easily amend the documentation of the released version once work
on the development version has progressed.

A third approach could be a mix of the two where we only have the
documentation for the current release and for the current development
version in confluence.

A yet another, more radical approach could come hand in hand with a
change of how we develop and release Tapestry. Instead of working
towards a fixed set of functionality and release when it's done (which might take some time) we could begin releasing at a fixed interval, say every two or three months. That way the current release version and the current development version wouldn't drift apart that much concerning documentation and possibly long-awaited new features. That way it might
be enough to just have one version of the documentation and mark
features not yet in the release version as such.

There are possibly many other possibilities that I didn't think of and
I'd like to discuss these. What do you think? Have you any other
suggestions how to solve this versioning problem?



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