My little tweak to IOCTestCase.touch() may have done the trick ... looks
like we're headed towards our first successful build in a while.

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 2:31 PM, Apache Hudson Server <> wrote:

> See <
> Changes:
> [drobiazko] TAP5-1385: Added basic support for JSR-330
> ------------------------------------------
> [...truncated 2921 lines...]
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(32838, class java.lang.Boolean, true)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(127, class java.lang.Byte, 127)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(58.0, class java.lang.Short, 58)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(33, class java.lang.Long, 33)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(22, class java.lang.Float, 22.0)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(1234, class java.lang.Double, 1234.0)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(31.14, class java.lang.Double,
> 31.139999389648438)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([], class java.lang.Boolean, false)
> builtin_coercions([],
> class java.lang.Boolean, true)
> builtin_coercions(12345656748352435842385234598234958234574358723485.35843534285293857298457234587,
> class java.math.BigDecimal,
> 12345656748352435842385234598234958234574358723485.35843534285293857298457234587)
> builtin_coercions(12345656748352435842385234598234958234574358723485.35843534285293857298457234587,
> class java.lang.Double, 1.2345656748352436E49)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(12384584574874385743, class java.math.BigInteger,
> 12384584574874385743)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(12345678, class java.lang.Long, 12345678)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(-12345678, class java.math.BigInteger, -12345678)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(java.lang.obj...@d69cff, interface
> java.util.List, [java.lang.obj...@d69cff])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(null, interface java.lang.Iterable, null)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(null, interface java.util.List, null)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(null, interface java.util.Collection, null)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(null, class java.lang.String, null)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([Ljava.lang.Object;@1dd6a67, interface
> java.util.List, [a, 123])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([Ljava.lang.String;@174aee5, interface
> java.util.List, [a, b])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([...@1866002, interface java.util.List, [12, 56])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([...@1095c81, interface java.util.List, [34, 98])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([...@19849e5, interface java.util.List, [1, 2])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([...@11b8a6b, interface java.util.List, [123,
> 321])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([...@11c7a72, interface java.util.List, [3.4,
> 7.777])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([...@aae359, interface java.util.List, [3.4,
> 7.777])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([...@134137c, interface java.util.List, [a, b])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions([...@1eb41e5, interface java.util.List, [true,
> false])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(foo/bar/baz.txt, class,
> foo/bar/baz.txt)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(TimeInterval[7200000 ms], class java.lang.Long,
> 7200000)
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(2 h, class
> org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.TimeInterval, TimeInterval[7200000 ms])
> PASSED: builtin_coercions(null, interface org.xml.sax.XMLReader, null)
> PASSED: coercion_failure
> PASSED: collection_to_object_array
> PASSED: combined_coercion
> PASSED: explain(class java.lang.StringBuffer, class java.lang.Integer,
> "Object --> String, String --> Long, Long --> Integer")
> PASSED: explain(void, interface java.util.Map, "null --> null")
> PASSED: explain(void, class java.lang.Boolean, "null --> Boolean")
> PASSED: explain(class [Ljava.lang.Object;, class java.lang.Boolean,
> "Object[] --> java.util.List, java.util.Collection --> Boolean")
> PASSED: explain(class [Ljava.lang.String;, interface java.util.List,
> "Object[] --> java.util.List")
> PASSED: explain(class java.lang.Float, class java.lang.Double, "Float -->
> Double")
> PASSED: explain(class java.lang.Double, class java.math.BigDecimal, "Object
> --> String, String --> java.math.BigDecimal")
> PASSED: explain_primitive_to_wrapper_type
> PASSED: explain_to_same_type
> PASSED: explain_wrapper_to_primitive_type
> PASSED: no_coercion_found
> PASSED: no_coercion_necessary
> PASSED: object_to_object_array
> PASSED: object_whose_toString_returns_null_to_boolean
> PASSED: primitive_type_as_target
> PASSED: add_listener_and_invoke
> PASSED: weak_references_are_not_invoked_once_clears
> PASSED: intermediate_type
> PASSED: no_value_annotation
> PASSED: value_annotation_present
> PASSED: for_file_in_parent_folder
> PASSED: for_file_in_same_folder
> PASSED: for_file_in_subfolder
> PASSED: for_file_same_resource
> PASSED: for_file_single_dot
> PASSED: get_URL_for_missing_resource
> PASSED: get_resource_URL
> PASSED: leading_slash_on_path_relative_to_root_doesnt_matter
> PASSED: localization_of_missing_resource
> PASSED: localization_of_resource
> PASSED: localization_to_base_resource
> PASSED: localization_to_closest_match
> PASSED: multiple_slashes_treated_as_single_slash
> PASSED: path_and_file
> PASSED: relative_to_root_resource
> PASSED: relative_to_root_resource_using_leading_slash
> PASSED: to_string
> PASSED: with_extension
> PASSED: with_extension_adds_extension
> PASSED: with_extension_missing_resource_is_null
> PASSED: with_extension_same_extension
> PASSED: copy_map
> PASSED: copy_set
> PASSED: new_list
> PASSED: new_list_copy
> PASSED: new_list_from_elements
> PASSED: new_map
> PASSED: new_set
> PASSED: new_threadsafe_list
> PASSED: set_from_varargs
> PASSED: dummy_lock_functions_are_noops
> PASSED: generic_bean_with_multiple_parameters
> PASSED: generic_return_type_of_non_generic_type
> PASSED: generic_return_type_of_parameterized_bean
> PASSED: inheritance_of_a_2d_object_array
> PASSED: inheritance_of_a_2d_primitive_array
> PASSED: inheritance_of_an_interface
> PASSED: inheritance_of_an_object_array
> PASSED: inheritance_of_object
> PASSED: inheritance_of_primitive
> PASSED: inheritance_of_primitive_array
> PASSED: inheritance_of_string
> PASSED: inheritance_of_void
> PASSED: inheritance_search_order_for_classes
> PASSED: inheritance_search_order_for_interfaces
> PASSED: next_when_no_more
> PASSED: remove_always_fails
> PASSED: add_to_list_map
> PASSED: array_size_when_non_null
> PASSED: array_size_when_null
> PASSED: capitalize("hello", "Hello")
> PASSED: capitalize("Goodbye", "Goodbye")
> PASSED: capitalize("", "")
> PASSED: capitalize("a", "A")
> PASSED: capitalize("A", "A")
> PASSED: close_ignores_exceptions
> PASSED: close_null_is_noop
> PASSED: close_success
> PASSED: collection_size
> PASSED: constructor_with_inject_annotation
> PASSED: constructor_with_javax_inject_annotation
> PASSED: enumeration_to_list
> PASSED: exception_injecting_into_field
> PASSED: get_from_map
> PASSED: get_from_null_map
> PASSED: inject_annotation_on_field
> PASSED: inject_service_annotation_on_field
> PASSED: javax_inject_annotation_on_field
> PASSED: javax_inject_named_annotation_on_field
> PASSED: join_empty_list
> PASSED: join_multiple
> PASSED: join_single
> PASSED: join_sorted
> PASSED: join_sorted_empty
> PASSED: join_sorted_null
> PASSED: join_sorted_with_blank
> PASSED: join_with_blank
> PASSED: keys_on_actual_map
> PASSED: keys_on_null_is_empty
> PASSED: last_term
> PASSED: location_of_locatable
> PASSED: location_of_location
> PASSED: location_of_not_found
> PASSED: match_and_sort
> PASSED: method_as_string_array_arg
> PASSED: method_as_string_no_args
> PASSED: method_as_string_primitive_arg
> PASSED: method_as_string_primitive_array_arg
> PASSED: method_as_string_with_args
> PASSED: reverse_iterator
> PASSED: reverse_iterator_does_not_support_remove
> PASSED: servicedef_to_servicedef2
> PASSED: sorted_keys_from_map
> PASSED: sorted_keys_from_null_map
> PASSED: strip_illegal_member_name
> PASSED: strip_member_name("simple", "simple")
> PASSED: strip_member_name("_name", "name")
> PASSED: strip_member_name("$name", "name")
> PASSED: strip_member_name("ruby_style", "ruby_style")
> PASSED: strip_member_name("__$ruby_style_", "ruby_style")
> PASSED: strip_member_name("$_$__$__$_$___$_$_$_$$name$", "name")
> PASSED: strip_member_name("foo_", "foo")
> PASSED: strip_member_name("_foo_", "foo")
> PASSED: too_many_autobuild_constructors
> PASSED: validate_constructor_check_for_public
> PASSED: validate_constructor_class_not_public
> PASSED: validate_marker_annotation
> PASSED: wrap_coercion_as_mapper
> PASSED: locale_with_just_language
> PASSED: locale_with_just_language_no_period
> PASSED: locale_with_language_and_country
> PASSED: locale_with_variant_but_no_country
> PASSED: locale_with_variant_but_no_country_no_period
> PASSED: all_three_parameters
> PASSED: equality
> PASSED: unknown_column
> PASSED: unknown_line_and_column
> PASSED: standard_args
> PASSED: throwable_argument
> PASSED: throwable_argument_with_null_message
> PASSED: contains_key
> PASSED: contains_key_is_case_insensitive
> PASSED: format_message
> PASSED: format_message_is_case_insensitive
> PASSED: format_unknown_key
> PASSED: formatters_are_cached
> PASSED: get_formatter
> PASSED: get_message_from_catalog
> PASSED: get_message_from_catalog_is_case_insensitive
> PASSED: get_unknown_message_from_catalog
> PASSED: basic_locking
> PASSED: locking_method_includes_check
> PASSED: case_insensitivity
> PASSED: dependency_cycle
> PASSED: duplicate_id
> PASSED: failed_override
> PASSED: leader
> PASSED: missing_constraint_type
> PASSED: no_dependencies
> PASSED: nulls_not_included_in_result
> PASSED: override
> PASSED: pre_and_post_reqs
> PASSED: prereqs
> PASSED: toString_DependencyNode
> PASSED: toString_Orderable
> PASSED: trailer
> PASSED: unknown_constraint_type
> PASSED: add_null_returns_zero
> PASSED: caching
> PASSED: contains_change_when_empty
> PASSED: contains_changes
> PASSED: creating_a_new_file_is_a_change
> PASSED: deleted_files_show_as_changes
> PASSED: non_file_URLs_are_ignored
> PASSED: second_level_granularity
> ===============================================
>    Internals
>    Tests run: 498, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
> ===============================================
> [ERROR] SerializationSupport Unexpected service proxy provider when
> clearing the provider. This may indicate that you have multiple IoC
> Registries.
> ===============================================
> Tapestry IOC
> Total tests run: 701, Failures: 1, Skips: 0
> ===============================================
> [org.testng.internal.PoolService] Shutting down poolservice
> org.testng.internal.poolserv...@1a30465 terminated:false
> Tests run: 701, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 18.775
> sec <<< FAILURE!
> Results :
> Failed tests:
>  reload_a_base_class(org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.ReloadTest)
> Tests run: 701, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] There are test failures.
> Please refer to <
> for the individual test results.
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 1 minute 51 seconds
> [INFO] Finished at: Sun Jan 09 22:31:32 UTC 2011
> [INFO] Final Memory: 58M/385M
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
> [TASKS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> For additional commands, e-mail:

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to learn
how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

(971) 678-5210

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