Can you get me a log message or a Git SHA for this?  I'm not sure what
you are talking about.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 6:15 AM, Igor Drobiazko
<> wrote:
> I'm wondering about the changes made in revision 1181139. According
> to TAP5-1686 white spaces in directory names caused exceptions at startup.
> In revision 1181139 I see URLDecoder.decode used to decode a path. I don't
> see a reason for this change as URLDecoder.decode ignores white spaces.
> Instead it causes exceptions on my machine. For example a path
> like /var/folders/xm/xmeobzgIHBCzsfqT-6z1eU+++TI/-Tmp-/ any occurrence of +
> is converted into a space which leads to a path
> like /var/folders/xm/xmeobzgIHBCzsfqT-6z1eU   TI/-Tmp-/. This is the cause
> of failing tests in ComponentInstantiatorSourceImplTest on my machine.
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Drobiazko

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