On Sat, 19 Jul 2014 05:02:28 -0300, Lance Java <lance.j...@googlemail.com> wrote:

I asked this question before I was a committer and generally got good
feedback but it never really went anywhere.

I think having tapestry-ioc and tapestry (the web framework) is a bit
confusing. I also feel that it hinders the promotion / adoption of
tapestry-ioc as a standalone product.

I'm not sure what to think about this. Mixed feelings. I've posted before that it would have been better for Tapestry-IoC for it to not have 'Tapestry' in its name and Howard agreed. But, now, I'm not sure a rename would do more harm or good. Tapestry 5, both web framework and IoC, had its first final release in April 12, 2009, five years ago. There's already lots of documentation and blog posts and etc about it, so a rename for avoiding confusion would end up causing more confusion of its own.

I agree with Bob about not ressurecting old product names. It would add more confusion. HiveMind was XML-heavy, and Tapestry-IoC is XML-free. Maybe Tapestry 5 itself shouldn't have been named Tapestry, for the same reason, as it was a rewrite for scratch.

Regarding the development cycle, I don't think right now it's a speed bump for Tapestry-IoC. As an IoC core (kernel?), it's a mature product. Its last major change I could remember was the copying of service implementation annotations to the corresponding service proxies. Before that, live class reloading for service implementations and JSR 303's @Inject support. I guess the features Tapestry-IoC would most benefit from now on don't need changes in itself, but additional packages that integrate it with other stuff. Of course, other people may see things differently, and I love to discuss it.

Summary: I wish Tapestry-IoC had another name and that it wasn't HiveMind (maybe Collective?), but IMHO it's too late to rename it, even if I think discussing it is a very good thing.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Tapestry, Java and Hibernate consultant and developer

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