Try asking the question over in the users mailing list where others may have 
dealt with similar situations. It’s a discussion worth having.

Parameterising options to static JS wrapping Kendo components might be too 
onerous - I don’t know. The closest I’ve come to it is parameterising for 
HighCharts, which I balked at initially but later found it’s actually not too 
bad. I wrote a separate static JS script for each style of chart that I wanted 
to produce, and each one has slightly different options.

Here’s an example, just in case it helps. The static JS script in it produces a 
3D chart from 1 data series. The other scripts will have slightly different 

        void afterRender() {
                JSONObject params = new JSONObject();

                params.put("id", chartContainer.getClientId());
                params.put("showLegend", false);

                JSONArray categories = new JSONArray();
                JSONArray series0 = new JSONArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                        if (i < evaluations.size()) {
                        else {

                params.put("categories", categories);
                params.put("series0Values", series0);


                JSONArray yAxisLabels = new JSONArray();
                params.put("yAxisLabels", yAxisLabels);

                params.put("yAxisFloor", 0);
                params.put("yAxisCeiling", 2);
                params.put("yAxisMinRange", 3);
                params.put("yAxisTickInterval", 1);




> On 29 Sep 2015, at 9:36 am, David Taylor <> 
> wrote:
> Any additional thoughts regarding alternatives to the AddScript method for 
> JavaScriptSupport? Should I open a new bug report to capture this issue 
> and/or request removal of the AddScript deprecation?
> -- 
> David Taylor
> On 9/26/2015 10:49 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Geoff,
>> Thanks for the 5.3/5.4 comparison links. Seeing non-trivial working examples 
>> definitely clarified a few points for me regarding the new approach. The 
>> modal dialog example is also very interesting in its own right.
>> Looking at the examples, it seems the new module approach would require us 
>> to develop some form of client-side JavaScript API to create the necessary 
>> Kendo UI configuration objects. Parametrizing all of the possible Kendo 
>> configuration options to work within the constraints of a static JavaScript 
>> library would not be an easy task. The Kendo configuration is very flexible 
>> and varies by component. Perhaps it would be possible using a multi-step 
>> configuration approach, but I imagine that wouldn't be very pretty.
>> Currently we generate the JavaScript code server side and emit it into the 
>> page using the deprecated addScript() method. This allows us to construct 
>> the Kendo JavaScript configuration taking into account the configuration of 
>> the associated Tapestry-Kendo wrapper components and data source information 
>> from our middle tier. The details of the JavaScript code being generated are 
>> rather dynamic so it does not lend itself to a static configuration approach.
>> Barring any additional approaches, it seems the addScript() method is 
>> currently the most workable option. Does anyone know why this method was 
>> marked as deprecated? Any chance it could be removed from the deprecation 
>> list?
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