Somehow I left the issue number out from the title - it's TAP5-2553


On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 11:02 AM, Kalle Korhonen <>

> I just pushed a new JPA feature for T5.5, see
> There's one issue though - I had to add annotations to a test service
> *interface* (UserDAO) to make one test, specifically
> JpaIntegrationTestWithAnnotationsInServiceImplementation work. I'm really
> not sure why at this point but I wanted to push it now for all to take a
> look at. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the advice
> implementation, what's wrong with
> ?
> Additionally, are you guys able to run the Selenium integrations
> successfully from the IDE? I am not, not sure why and it makes it awfully
> hard to debug.
> Kalle

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