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The "Tapestry5HowTos" page has been changed by BobHarner:

Removed dead links & useless content

  == How to get started ==
  In order to quickly get up to speed on Tapestry 5, there are numerous 
information sources besides this Wiki available:
-  * 
 on eclipse with Maven, Jetty and Tapestry quickstart project]]
   * [[|The Tapestry Tutorial]]
   * [[|Tapestry for Nonbelievers]]
-  * [[|The Maven archetype that 
creates an example project]]
+  * [[|Getting Started (using 
the Maven Archetype)]]
   * [[|Tapestry site]] and 
[[|Component reference]]
   * Search the mailing list with Google by including Google entry: "YOUR 
   * [[Tapestry5Training|Tapestry 5 Training]] - Tapestry 5 overview with 
practical work
   * [[Tapestry5Blogs|Tapestry 5 Blogs]] - A list of blogs dealing with 
Tapestry 5
-  * [[|Howard's 
   * [[Tapestry5OpensourceApps|Open Source Apps]] - List of Tapestry 5 open 
source applications
  == Preparing your development environment ==
@@ -22, +20 @@

   * [[Tapestry5HowToSetupEclipseJettyRunner|Using Eclipse and Jetty with Jetty 
   * [[Tapestry5_Run_Jetty_From_IDEA|Using IDEA and Jetty]]
   * [[Tapestry5RunViaMain|Running via a main class in any IDE]]
-  * 
 Netbeans and !GlassFish]]
-  * 
 up NetBeans, Maven, Jetty for live class and template reloading]]
   * [[Tapestry5HowToEclipseCodeTemplates|Eclipse code templates]]
   * [[Tapestry5HowToIdeaLifeTemplates|!IntelliJ IDEA live templates]]
 a skeleton Tapestry 5 project and run it (Eclipse, Maven, m2eclipse)]]
@@ -150, +147 @@

   * [[Tapestry5-TestWithTapestry-Spring|Testing with Tapestry-Spring]] - How 
to test Tapestry pages which use Spring Beans
  === Google Web Toolkit (GWT) ===
-  * 
[[|Tapestry 5 
and GWT]] 
[[|Part 2]]
   * [[Tapestry5GWTIntegration|Integrating with GWT]] - An example based 
heavily on Pär Dahlberg's blog example on, with 
generalized design tips.
- === Adobe Flash ===
-  * [[|Adobe 
Flash Integration]] - Explains how to create reusable Tapestry components which 
render swf's
  === EJB / JEE ===
   * [[JEE-Annotation|Support @EJB Annotation]] - Support @EJB Annotation in 
Tapestry pages / components
@@ -202, +195 @@

  == How to contribute ==
   * [[Tapestry5HowToContributeNewTranslation|Contributing New Translations]]
-  * [[|Tapestry 5 Cafe (Post your new ideas 
here. Check out other people's ideas and vote on the ones you like best. Talk 
about ideas.)]]
  == IRC ==
  Chris Lewis mentioned Tapestry's IRC: #tapestry AT "There's 
usually 5 ~ 8 of us in there, and we work/talk about Tapestry."

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