
I don't think adapting Tapestry's template engine to support templating
JSON is a good idea. It was built to output HTML and XML and nothing else.
Is there anything else that does what you want? Why not using a generic
template engine like FreeMarker or, better yet, use some Java JSON mapper
like Jackson? I do see the point of implementing some Java class to
Tapestry JSON object mapper, but as a template, I see none, I'm sorry. If
you want to implement it, go ahead. :)

Regarding reflection, the Tapestry BeanModel classes, which are now in a
separate JAR and can be used without tapestry-core, are very fast and does
caching of everything got by reflection, so they're a solid foundation for
doing what you want.

On the other hand, supporting PUT and DELETE HTTP methods in Tapestry pages
is something I had some thoughts over time.

On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 12:11 PM, Qbyte Consulting <
qbyteconsult...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Would it be feasible or indeed sensible(?) to convert/adapt Tapestry to
> render JSON?
> Page classes would provide API endpoints and unpack params and body content
> to properties and the templates would have JSON instead of TML. I'd also
> want to modify the tapestry tags (t:if t:loop etc) to something much more
> simple and JSONesque.
> The page classes would support the GET/POST/PUT and so forth by convention.
> I also envisage being able to filter, resort and augment responses through
> an execution chain.
> i.e: a JSON template
> {
>     "id": $,
>     ?"name": $,
>     <prices id='$' orderBy='ASC'>,
>     "tags": [$]}
> $ would call corresponding getter methods e.g. getId, getTags etc..
> ? would invoke hasName and render the name value if true
> <> would embed components - <prices...> could render "prices" : [1,2,3],
> I'd like to harness Tapesty to emit JSON from rendering char streams
> instead of having to use concrete domain classes that have to be reflected
> and such as per JAXB and other similar frameworks that seem to make a meal
> of JSON. I'd like plastic to convert the template into stream emitter
> methods that are called transparently in the plastic classes. Hiding the
> boilerplate code
> I like the idea of writing the JSON template myself, it's clearer more
> flexible and can stream and follows the ethos of Tapestry. Reflection must
> slow the rendering down a lot.
> Is this crazy, any thoughts? I want to have flexibility and write minimum
> code, and max reuse things Tapestry is good with.
> John


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