yes, we do that within the JavaScript test suite. It uses the Java
Test Suite for the server side.
just execute the following commands:
cd lib/js/test/
ant (=> lint)
ant testserver (=> http://localhost:8088/test/test.html )
Quoting Peter Neumark <>:
I confess I haven't been able to keep up with the current state of the
unified test suite initiative.
Is it possible to match a node.js test client with a test server written in
another language?
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 7:05 AM, <> wrote:
That's a cool feature Peter!
I would really like to have a aligned JavaScript and Node.js Thrift
Today, lot of code is duplicated and I think it should be possible to use
the same lib for JavaScript and node.js
The following essentials are still missing for node.js:
Node.js Testsuite =>**jira/browse/THRIFT-1134<>
Node.js Tutorial =>**jira/browse/THRIFT-1135<>
It would be great to see some patches in that area!
Quoting Peter Neumark <>:
I've always through its sort of strange to have separate code generators
node.js and browser environments.
Since I'm trying to get the browser to work as a thrift server (responding
to requests coming from the webserver),
I need to use the node.js code generator.
I got a proof of concept working:**thrift-over-socketio<>
Is anybody else interested in converging the browser/node.js javascript
and code generator as much as possible?
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