Short version of the question:
Is there any way in C++ Thrift to get the TServerEventHandler context into 
a call on my server interface handler?

Long question + background:
I am running a daemon, and connecting to it with multiple applications, 
all over AF_UNIX sockets.  Each application has a thrift client to the 
daemon, and a thrift server.  The daemon has a thrift server, and one 
thrift client per application.

My daemon server handler looks something like this:

service DaemonService
   void Initialize(1: string reverseConnectionInfo),
   string QueryAttribute(1: i32 id),

When an application connects to the daemon, it calls Initialize, with the 
name of the server the application is hosting.  This all works fine.  The 
problem is on the cleanup side.  I don't know when to destroy the daemon's 
"reverse connection", because I don't have any way to associate the call 
to Initialize with a server context.

The closest I see as a possibility  (without compiler modifications) is to 
create a context in TServerEventHandler, watch for "Initialize" in a 
TProcessorEventHandler, and then fail miserably, because I don't know the 
contents of the "reverseConnectionInfo" string.

I am considering adding a new type in the compiler, so that I could write 
my DaemonService something like this:

service DaemonService
   void Initialize(1: string reverseConnectionInfo, ServerContext ctx), 
//new ServerContext here
   string QueryAttribute(1: i32 id),

Note that the "ServerContext" type doesn't have a number associated with 
it, because it isn't ever serialized across "the wire".  This wouldn't 
change the client code at all, but the server interface would have an 
Initialize(const std::string &reverseConnectionInfo, void *ctx) method, 
instead of the current method that it has.

So... is there a way to handle cleanup triggered by client disconnection 
already that I am overlooking, or should I tweak my compiler?

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