[cross-posting to user and dev list]

A while back Anthony made some changes to the thrift library to make it
easier for rebar to pull it in as a dependency. Unfortunately, the move to
Git rendered that approach unworkable. For now I'm using filter-branch[1]
to trim the repo to just the erlang library and pushing it to my own repo
on GitHub[2] where I can use it as a dependency[3]. Has any thought been
given to something that might be less kludgy while working with rebar?


1: git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter lib/erl --tag-name-filter cat -f
-- --all
2: https://github.com/JoelPM/libthrift-erl
{deps, [
    {thrift, "1.0.0-dev", {git, "g...@github.com:JoelPM/libthrift-erl.git",
{branch, "master"}}}

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