Hi everyone,

Last spring after working a bit with the thrift sources, I happened to
stumble upon jison.  Noting that thrift ships with grammar files, I
thought, "hmm, wonder how hard it would be to port the compiler to js?"
 Over the summer I had some free time open up, and did just that.  Then I
got really busy with a startup :-)

I'm coming back this code now and trying to decide what to do with it.
 It's not clear that thrift needs an additional compiler, but there is one
thing in particular that makes this interesting: you can run it in the
browser.  Check out the live compiler at
http://grumet.net/jsthrift/htdocs/index.html to see this in action.  As you
type, it recompiles the IDL every so often, re-populating the HTML
documentation on a successful compile.  Cleaned up and enhanced with code
generators, this could help with education and adoption since it provides a
fast way to dive in.

The compiler port is pretty basic, so there will be some work to do if
there's enthusiasm for it.  I'm game if so, and would welcome collaborators.

But first ... is the project interested in adding & building out a js
native compiler?



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