Hi Peter

Quoting Peter Neumark <neumark.pe...@gmail.com>:

Thanks, Roger!

I'm also posting this to the dev list, because I think that may be more
appropriate than user@.
Yes, that's why I'm cross posting now.

The json generator is awesome (any estimate on when it will be merged?),
there are two versions and I like to have one...
I'm ready to commit it as soon as I get proper response on my questions
on that issue. Json Schema is what i would like to have for the future.

but that's not really what I was working on.
The goal here is to ready an aribrary JSON message as thrift data.
Yes, I know. However using a schema would simplify this and that's why I
started to talk about the json generator.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Roger Meier <ro...@bufferoverflow.ch>

Hi Peter

Yes, JSON is worth to add and I see an option by using json schema as
mentioned here:


Quoting Peter Neumark <neumark.pe...@gmail.com>:

 Hi all,

At Prezi, we currently use Thrift for a lot of the internal communication
between services. A lot of engineers would like to keep using HTTP + JSON
as means of communicating between services, but with some sort of schema.

After evaluating several alternatives, the best idea we had so far was to
use the thrift IDL as the schema, and beef up the existing
TSimpleJSONProtocol code to read arbitrary JSON messages.

What I'm most interested in is whether or not someone else is already

I have a very early stage python implementation of such a protocol here:

We'll probably create an implementation for Java as well.
The most difficult issue with reading JSON is that a lot of existing JSON
protocols allow for several different types in a field. My solution was to
have an "unboxed union". To illustrate this with an example, if we accept
the following messages:

{"id": 1, "expires": 32324234234}
{"id": 1, "expires": "2014.10.07 10:34"}
{"id": 1, "expires": false}

Then our Thrift definition would be

// Note: this is an unboxed union
union { // or struct in my implementation because python has no union yet
  1: i64 unix_timestamp,
  2: string date_string,
  3: bool expiration_switch

struct msg {
  1: i64 id,
  2: expiry expires

The "expires" field must be read "unboxed" so to speak.
What's the best option for encoding this in the thrift IDL?
Has anyone considered adding annotations to the IDL for similar purposes?


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