Hi all

I agree, it is not very nice to have all this stuff within the root folder.
However if it is easier from a usability and maintenance perspective as Randy
pointed out, the files have to be at the place where they are.


Quoting Randy Abernethy <randy.aberne...@gmail.com>:

Hey Jens,

We should definitely have a strategy for all of this stuff. One
difficulty is the requirements of the various language library
managers. Some notes:

- /bower.json  -  Front End JavaScript
This file supports the Bower (http://bower.io/) package manager. Bower
requires the bower.json to be in the root of the repo. This is pretty
messed up for us because it also causes bower to clone the entire
thrift repo(!). It works but hopefully bower will add functionality to
pull the package manager file or at least the sources from a subdir.
The /lib/js/Gruntfile.js is not a package manager file but rather the
"makefile" for our JavaScript lib. The Grunt tool uses it to build,
run tests, etc. The output of the Gruntfile build is
/lib/js/dist/thrift.js and /lib/js/dist/thrift.min.js. The
package.json found in the js dir is the package file for Grunt which
is a node.js program.

- /composer.json  -  PHP
The php Packagist web site requires this file to be in the root of the
repo but at least it only clones the lib/php/lib.

- /lib/nodejs/package.json  -  Node.js
This is the package manager file for npm. Fortunately the npm site
allows us to point to a package file in a subdir of the repo.

So in summary, you are totally right, all of these should be in their
respective subdirs. Unfortunately circumstances disallow it. If you
can get Haxe working with the package file in the lib dir, I think
that is the right way to go.


On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Jens Geyer <jensge...@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi *,

there are a accumulating number of registration files (mostly JSON)
for the various package managers of this world of ours spread
across the source tree. I found these (please correct me if I’m wrong):


Couldn’t find:
  - the nuget spec file for the nuget package

Let’s say, I would like to add another file, specifically for
http://haxelib.org. My most natoral choice would be the /lib/haxe
folder. But shouldn’t we then consequently also move composer.json
into /lib/php and bower.json into /lib/nodejs?

Or am I wrong and I should place the file in the root? What’s the
consensus here?

Have fun,

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