cool stuff!
thrift-nano is a great thing, a pure C implementation was already requested by many users.
I hope we can get this merged into Apache Thrift. Patches are welcome!


Quoting David Itkin <>:


I work with someone that did just that.  Look here:

The author is not on this mailing list but will be soon.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 1:41 PM, Tyler Conant <>

I’m looking to serialize structures on a micro controller. I would like to
specifically use thrift to do the serialization. The backend already uses
thrift so I would prefer to keep with the same IDL. I see there is a C
thrift library, however it uses Glib. Getting Glib to fit and compile on
the micro may not be feasible. Does anyone know of a pure C implementation,
I don’t need the service interface or transports,  only the serialization
part of thrift?


David Itkin
(cel) 703-869-4675

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