Greetings Thrift devs

I've been working on a Thrift protocol implementation on top of XML, and I would like to get some feedback from you if you have a chance to take a look at my work.

I know mixing Thrift and XML is probably anathema to some but I see some important benefits for interoperability, especially in the "enterprise" world.

In short, I've designed an XML format that can be consumed by a streaming XML parser in a manner consistent with Thrift semantics, and a reference implementation in Java is completed (linked below).

I've also started work on some XSL transformations to convert from the streaming format to more "standard" XML formats like SOAP web services etc. There is of course performance overhead with this but I think it might provide a good migration path to the "native" thrift formats in many cases - "a foot in the door" if you will. Frankly I'm not an XSL expert but in my thinking, if you all like this protocol, doing these transformations with XSL should make the amount of effort to implement in languages smaller (languages would only need to implement the streaming protocol, in other words).

My intention is to contribute the results of this effort to the Thrift project if you all like it and find it useful. Before doing that however I would like to know if there are ways in which this format could be improved, or if I am barking up the wrong tree. If you are able to review my work, your time in doing so as well as your feedback is definitely appreciated.

Please find my project here and a more detailed write-up here:

Thank you


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