See <>


[jensg] THRIFT-3629 Parser sets exitcode on errors, but generator does not

[...truncated 5352 lines...]
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
 warning: already initialized constant ENGLISH
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
 warning: already initialized constant SUCCESS
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
 warning: already initialized constant SUCCESS
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
 warning: already initialized constant N
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
 warning: already initialized constant SECONDS
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
 warning: already initialized constant FIELDS
  generated the right files
  did not generate the wrong files
  has a service class in the right place
  has a struct in the right place
  required an included file
  extended a service

    should handle basic message passing
    should handle concurrent clients
    should handle messages from more than 5 long-lived connections
    should shut down when asked (FAILED - 1)
    should continue processing active messages when shutting down
    should kill active messages when they don't expire while shutting 
    should allow shutting down in response to a message

    should call process_<message> when it receives that message
    should raise an ApplicationException when the received message cannot 
be processed
    should pass args off to the args class
    should write out a reply when asked

    should serialize structs to binary by default
    should serialize structs to the given protocol
    should deserialize structs from binary by default
    should deserialize structs from the given protocol

    should create a handle when calling listen
    should accept an optional host argument
    should create a Thrift::Socket to wrap accepted sockets
    should close the handle when closed
    should return nil when accepting if there is no handle
    should return true for closed? when appropriate

    should default to BaseTransportFactory and BinaryProtocolFactory when 
not specified
    should serve in the main thread
    should serve using threads
    should serve inside a thread
    should avoid running the server twice when retrying rescuable_serve
    should serve using a thread pool

    should raise a TransportException when it cannot open a socket
    should open a ::Socket with default args
    should accept host/port options
    should accept an optional timeout
    it should behave like a socket
      should open a socket
      should be open whenever it has a handle
      should write data to the handle
      should raise an error when it cannot read from the handle
      should return the data read when reading from the handle works
      should declare itself as closed when it has an error
      should raise an error when the stream is closed
      should support the timeout accessor for read
      should support the timeout accessor for write
      should raise an error when read times out
      should raise an error when write times out

    should support nested lists inside lists
    should support nested lists inside sets
    should support nested lists in map keys
    should support nested lists in map values
    should support nested sets inside lists
    should support nested sets inside sets
    should support nested sets in map keys
    should support nested sets in map values
    should support nested maps inside lists
    should support nested maps inside sets
    should support nested maps in map keys
    should support nested maps in map values

    should iterate over all fields properly
    should initialize all fields to defaults
    should initialize all fields to defaults and accept a block 
    should not share default values between instances
    should properly initialize boolean values
    should have proper == semantics
    should print enum value names in inspect
    should pretty print binary fields
    should offer field? methods
    should be comparable
    should read itself off the wire
    should serialize false boolean fields correctly
    should skip unexpected fields in structs and use default values
    should write itself to the wire
    should raise an exception if presented with an unknown container
    should support optional type-checking in
    should support optional type-checking in field accessors
    should raise an exception when unknown types are given to
    should support `raise Xception, 'message'` for Exception structs
    should support the regular initializer for exception structs

    when using the defaults
      binds to port 80, with host, a path of '/'
      creates a ThinHTTPServer::RackApplicationContext
      uses the BinaryProtocolFactory
    when using the options
      accepts :ip, :port, :path
      creates a ThinHTTPServer::RackApplicationContext with a different 
protocol factory
    starts the Thin server

  404 response
    receives a non-POST
    receives a header other than application/x-thrift
  200 response
    creates an IOStreamTransport
    fetches the right protocol based on the Transport
    status code 200

  type checking
    should return the proper name for each type
    should check types properly
    should error out if nil is passed and skip_types is false
    should check element types on containers
    should give the Thrift::TypeError a readable message

    should return nil value in unset union
    should set a field and be accessible through get_value and the named 
field accessor
    should work correctly when instantiated with static field 
    should raise for wrong set field
    should raise for wrong set field when hash initialized and type 
checking is off
    should not be equal to nil
    should not be equal with an empty String
    should not equate two different unions, i32 vs. string
    should properly reset setfield and setvalue
    should not equate two different unions with different values
    should not equate two different unions with different fields
    should inspect properly
    should not allow setting with instance_variable_set
    should serialize to binary correctly
    should serialize to json correctly
    should raise when validating unset union
    should validate an enum field properly
    should properly serialize and match structs with a union
    should support old style constructor
    should not throw an error when inspected and unset
    should print enum value name when inspected
    should offer field? methods
    should pretty print binary fields
    should be comparable

    should raise a TransportException when it cannot open a socket
    should accept an optional timeout
    it should behave like a socket
      should open a socket
      should be open whenever it has a handle
      should write data to the handle
      should raise an error when it cannot read from the handle
      should return the data read when reading from the handle works
      should declare itself as closed when it has an error
      should raise an error when the stream is closed
      should support the timeout accessor for read
      should support the timeout accessor for write
      should raise an error when read times out
      should raise an error when write times out
    should create a handle when calling listen
    should create a Thrift::UNIXSocket to wrap accepted sockets
    should close the handle when closed
    should delete the socket when closed
    should return nil when accepting if there is no handle
    should return true for closed? when appropriate

  Client Thrift::Client should increment the sequence id when sending 
    # it seems sequence ids are completely ignored right now
    # ./spec/client_spec.rb:55


  1) NonblockingServer Thrift::NonblockingServer should shut down when asked
     Failure/Error: [
       Could not connect to localhost:43251: Connection refused - 
     # ./lib/thrift/transport/socket.rb:54:in `rescue in open'
     # ./lib/thrift/transport/socket.rb:36:in `open'
     # ./lib/thrift/transport/framed_transport.rb:37:in `open'
     # ./spec/nonblocking_server_spec.rb:68:in `open'
     # ./spec/nonblocking_server_spec.rb:140:in `setup_client'
     # ./spec/nonblocking_server_spec.rb:229:in `block (3 levels) in <top 

Finished in 3.39 seconds
394 examples, 1 failure, 1 pending

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/nonblocking_server_spec.rb:227 # NonblockingServer 
Thrift::NonblockingServer should shut down when asked
rake aborted!
/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 -S rspec ./spec/base_protocol_spec.rb 
./spec/base_transport_spec.rb ./spec/binary_protocol_accelerated_spec.rb 
./spec/binary_protocol_spec.rb ./spec/bytes_spec.rb ./spec/client_spec.rb 
./spec/compact_protocol_spec.rb ./spec/exception_spec.rb ./spec/flat_spec.rb 
./spec/http_client_spec.rb ./spec/json_protocol_spec.rb 
./spec/namespaced_spec.rb ./spec/nonblocking_server_spec.rb 
./spec/processor_spec.rb ./spec/serializer_spec.rb ./spec/server_socket_spec.rb 
./spec/server_spec.rb ./spec/socket_spec.rb 
./spec/struct_nested_containers_spec.rb ./spec/struct_spec.rb 
./spec/thin_http_server_spec.rb ./spec/types_spec.rb ./spec/union_spec.rb 
./spec/unix_socket_spec.rb --color --format d failed
`block (2 levels) in initialize'
`block in initialize'
Tasks: TOP => default => gem => spec => realspec
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
make[3]: *** [check-local] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/rb'
make[2]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/rb'
make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib'
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
[WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[TASKS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
Archiving artifacts
Publishing Javadoc
Updating THRIFT-3629

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