See <>


[sam901] Put generated go code in a file with the same name as thrift file

[sam901] Don't import self package, go doesn't support it

[sam901] Rename UnusedProtection.go to GoUnusedProtection__.go to better 

[sam901] Fix C++ compiler errors

[...truncated 6397 lines...]
Time: 50 ms, Memory: 3.50Mb

OK (1 test, 1 assertion)
/usr/bin/phpunit --log-junit=TEST-log-simple-json-protocol.xml 
PHPUnit 3.7.28 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 64 ms, Memory: 4.50Mb

OK (15 tests, 14 assertions)
php Test/Thrift/TestValidators.php
php Test/Thrift/TestValidators.php -oop
/usr/bin/phpunit --log-junit=TEST-json-serializer.xml Test/Thrift/JsonSerialize/
PHPUnit 3.7.28 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 46 ms, Memory: 4.25Mb

OK (7 tests, 9 assertions)
make[3]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/php/test'
make[3]: Entering directory `/thrift/lib/php'
cd src/ext/thrift_protocol/ && make
make[4]: Entering directory `/thrift/lib/php/src/ext/thrift_protocol'
/bin/bash /thrift/lib/php/src/ext/thrift_protocol/libtool --mode=install cp 
./ /thrift/lib/php/src/ext/thrift_protocol/modules
libtool: install: cp ./.libs/ 
libtool: install: cp ./.libs/thrift_protocol.lai 
libtool: finish: 
 ldconfig -n /thrift/lib/php/src/ext/thrift_protocol/modules
Libraries have been installed in:

If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries
in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and
specify the full pathname of the library, or use the `-LLIBDIR'
flag during linking and do at least one of the following:
   - add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable
     during execution
   - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable
     during linking
   - use the `-Wl,-rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag
   - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to `/etc/'

See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for
more information, such as the ld(1) and manual pages.

Build complete.
Don't forget to run 'make test'.

make[4]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/php/src/ext/thrift_protocol'
make[3]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/php'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/php'
Making check in dart
make[2]: Entering directory `/thrift/lib/dart'
/usr/lib/dart/bin/pub get

Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... (1.0s) 
Resolving dependencies... (1.1s) 
Resolving dependencies... (1.2s) 
Resolving dependencies... (1.3s) 
Resolving dependencies... (1.4s) 
Resolving dependencies... (1.5s) 
Resolving dependencies... (1.6s) 
Resolving dependencies... (1.7s) 
Resolving dependencies... (1.8s) 
Resolving dependencies... (1.9s) 
Resolving dependencies... (2.0s) 
Resolving dependencies... (2.1s) 
Resolving dependencies... (2.2s) 
Resolving dependencies... (2.3s) 
Resolving dependencies... (2.4s) 
Resolving dependencies... (2.5s) 
Resolving dependencies... (2.6s) 
Resolving dependencies... (2.7s) 
Resolving dependencies... (2.8s) 
Resolving dependencies... (2.9s) 
Resolving dependencies... (3.0s) 
Resolving dependencies... (3.1s) 
Resolving dependencies... (3.2s) 
Resolving dependencies... (3.3s) 
Resolving dependencies... (3.4s) 
Resolving dependencies... (3.5s) 
Resolving dependencies... (3.6s) 
Resolving dependencies... (3.7s) 
Resolving dependencies... (3.8s) 
Resolving dependencies... (3.9s) 
Resolving dependencies... (4.0s) 
Resolving dependencies... (4.1s) 
Resolving dependencies... (4.2s) 
Resolving dependencies... (4.3s) 
Resolving dependencies... (4.4s) 
Resolving dependencies... (4.4s) 
Downloading coverage 0.7.2...
Downloading args 0.13.3+3...
Downloading crypto 0.9.1...
Downloading dart_dev 1.0.6...
Downloading ansicolor 0.0.9...
Downloading dart_style 0.2.4...
Downloading analyzer 0.27.1+2...
Downloading dartdoc 0.8.5...
Downloading cli_util 0.0.1+2...
Downloading collection 1.4.0...
Downloading fixnum 0.10.2...
Downloading glob 1.1.0...
Downloading html 0.12.2+1...
Downloading csslib 0.12.2...
Downloading http 0.11.3+3...
Downloading http_parser 2.1.0...
Downloading async 1.8.0...
Downloading logging 0.11.2...
Downloading markdown 0.8.0...
Downloading mockito 0.11.0...
Downloading mustache4dart 1.0.10...
Downloading package_config 0.1.3...
Downloading charcode 1.1.0...
Downloading path 1.3.9...
Downloading plugin 0.1.0...
Downloading pub_cache 0.1.0...
Downloading pub_semver 1.2.3...
Downloading quiver 0.21.4...
Downloading matcher 0.12.0+1...
Downloading source_span 1.2.1...
Downloading stack_trace 1.6.1...
Downloading stream_channel 1.3.1...
Downloading string_scanner 0.1.4+1...
Downloading test 0.12.10+2...
Downloading barback 0.15.2+7...
Downloading http_multi_server 2.0.0...
Downloading pool 1.2.1...
Downloading shelf 0.6.5...
Downloading shelf_static 0.2.3+3...
Downloading mime 0.9.3...
Downloading shelf_web_socket 0.1.0...
Downloading source_map_stack_trace 1.0.4...
Downloading source_maps 0.10.1...
Downloading utf 0.9.0+2...
Downloading watcher 0.9.7...
Downloading which 0.1.3...
Downloading when 0.2.0...
Downloading yaml 2.1.8...
Got dependencies!

Precompiling dependencies... 
Precompiling dependencies...

Loading source assets... 
Loading source assets... 
Precompiled dart_style.

Precompiling executables... 
Precompiling executables...

Loading source assets... 
Loading source assets... 
Precompiled coverage:format_coverage.
Precompiled coverage:collect_coverage.
Precompiled dart_dev:dart_dev.
Precompiled dart_style:format.
Precompiled test:test.
make  check-local
make[3]: Entering directory `/thrift/lib/dart'
/usr/lib/dart/bin/pub get

Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Resolving dependencies... 
Got dependencies!
make[3]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/dart'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/dart'
Making check in go
make[2]: Entering directory `/thrift/lib/go'
Making check in .
make[3]: Entering directory `/thrift/lib/go'
/usr/local/go/bin/go build ./thrift
make  check-local
make[4]: Entering directory `/thrift/lib/go'
/usr/local/go/bin/go test ./thrift
ok      _/thrift/lib/go/thrift  0.032s
make[4]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/go'
make[3]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/go'
Making check in test
make[3]: Entering directory `/thrift/lib/go/test'
mkdir -p gopath/src
grep -v list.*map.*list.*map ../../../test/ThriftTest.thrift | grep -v 
'set<Insanity>' > ThriftTest.thrift
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift -r 
[WARNING:/thrift/lib/go/test/ThriftTest.thrift:44] No generator named 'noexist' 
could be found!
[WARNING:/thrift/lib/go/test/ThriftTest.thrift:46] cpp generator does not 
accept 'noexist' as sub-namespace!
[WARNING:/thrift/lib/go/test/ThriftTest.thrift:44] No generator named 'noexist' 
could be found!
[WARNING:/thrift/lib/go/test/ThriftTest.thrift:46] cpp generator does not 
accept 'noexist' as sub-namespace!
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen go:thrift_import=thrift 
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen 
go:thrift_import=thrift,read_write_private DontExportRWTest.thrift
../../../compiler/cpp/thrift -out gopath/src/ --gen 
go:thrift_import=thrift,ignore_initialisms IgnoreInitialismsTest.thrift
GOPATH=`pwd`/gopath /usr/local/go/bin/go get
ln -nfs ../../../thrift gopath/src/thrift
ln -nfs ../../tests gopath/src/tests
cp -r ./dontexportrwtest gopath/src
touch gopath
GOPATH=`pwd`/gopath /usr/local/go/bin/go build \
                                includestest \
                                binarykeytest \
                                servicestest \
                                typedeffieldtest \
                                refannotationfieldstest \
                                errortest       \
                                namestest \
                                initialismstest \
                                dontexportrwtest \
case-insensitive file name collision: "ThriftTest.go" and "thrifttest.go"
can't load package: package errortest: case-insensitive file name collision: 
"ErrorTest.go" and "errortest.go"
make[3]: *** [check] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/go/test'
make[2]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib/go'
make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/thrift/lib'
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
[WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[TASKS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
Archiving artifacts
Compressed 144.97 MB of artifacts by 69.5% relative to #364
Publishing Javadoc

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