
Arnaud Lacombe updated THRIFT-4178:
The CMake infrastructure fails to include the java libraries in the generated 
package. Instead, the libraries are wrongly installed on the build host. The 
problem is likely due to the following line:

    # Hook the ant install task into CMake install                              
    install(CODE "execute_process(
        COMMAND ${Ant_EXECUTABLE} ${ANT_FLAGS} install                          
-Dinstall.javadoc.path=\"${JAVA_DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\" -f build.xml
        WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}                           

The CMake infrastructure fails to include the java libraries in the generated 
package. Instead, the libraries are wrongly installed on the build host. The 
problem is likely due to the following line:

    # Hook the ant install task into CMake install                              
    install(CODE "execute_process(
        COMMAND ${Ant_EXECUTABLE} ${ANT_FLAGS} install                          
-Dinstall.javadoc.path=\"${JAVA_DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\" -f build.xml
        WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}                           

> Java libraries missing from package when using cmake
> ----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: THRIFT-4178
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-4178
>             Project: Thrift
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Arnaud Lacombe
> The CMake infrastructure fails to include the java libraries in the generated 
> package. Instead, the libraries are wrongly installed on the build host. The 
> problem is likely due to the following line:
> lib/java/CMakeLists.txt:
> {noformat}
>     [...]
>     # Hook the ant install task into CMake install                            
>     install(CODE "execute_process(
>         COMMAND ${Ant_EXECUTABLE} ${ANT_FLAGS} install                        
>         -Dbuild.dir=\"${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}\"
>         -Dinstall.path=\"${JAVA_INSTALL_DIR}\" 
> -Dinstall.javadoc.path=\"${JAVA_DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\" -f build.xml
>         WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}                         
>     )")
> {noformat}

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