Hi all,
I am a (potentially) new contributor who is trying to add a patch.  It
appears that the build is broken.

The first 3 cross language tests fail with
[java] Sample TSimpleJSONProtocol output:
[java] {}
[java] org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException:
javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: handshake alert:  internal_error

And the other two failures appear to be caused by missing npm:
/bin/bash: npm: command not found

Java, Lua, Php...
/bin/bash: npm: command not found

I'd be happy to help try to fix these failures, but I'm not exactly sure
how to replicate the build environments locally.  Are there instructions on
how to do that?  (I've looked at "make cross" but that doesn't appear to
use docker as the build does).


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