Github user chetmurthy commented on the issue:
    This patch only flxes cpp-cpp (http) failures. B/c the deeper issue is that 
the Thrift cpp stack (both client & server) is nonstandard.
    I think I mentioned that I could improve this a bit, by having the client 
not wait for the reply from the server, but the server would eventually deliver 
it anyway.  The client would keep track of of how many replies it had ignored, 
and when it came time to actually want to see a reply, it woud skip past the 
requisite # of ignored replies.  Also (of course), you'd want to only ignore 
replies up to some limit -- or you could deadlock.
    Not very hard to do, actually.  And this would also fix 
cpp(client)-http-<anylang>(server) tests.  BUT it would NOT fix 
<anylang>(client)-http<anylang>(server) tests, b/c (from what I remember of my 
little stroll thru code) (almost?) all the other languages' HTTP stacks assume 
an RPC model for how applications will use the client HTTP stack.  So they're 
written with "send request, immediately turn around and wait for response" as 
the model.
    Hope this helps.


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