
ASF GitHub Bot commented on THRIFT-4621:

nsuke commented on a change in pull request #1583: THRIFT-4621 Add THeader for 
URL: https://github.com/apache/thrift/pull/1583#discussion_r212616105

 File path: lib/py/src/transport/THeaderTransport.py
 @@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import struct
+import zlib
+from thrift.compat import BufferIO, binary_to_str, str_to_binary, byte_index
+from thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol import TBinaryProtocol
+from thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol import TCompactProtocol, readVarint, 
+from thrift.Thrift import TApplicationException
+from thrift.transport.TTransport import (
+    CReadableTransport,
+    TMemoryBuffer,
+    TTransportBase,
+    TTransportException,
+U16 = struct.Struct("!H")
+I32 = struct.Struct("!i")
+class THeaderClientType(object):
+    HEADERS = 0x00
+    FRAMED_BINARY = 0x01
+    FRAMED_COMPACT = 0x03
+class THeaderSubprotocolID(object):
+    BINARY = 0x00
+    COMPACT = 0x02
+class TInfoHeaderType(object):
+    KEY_VALUE = 0x01
+class THeaderTransformID(object):
+    ZLIB = 0x01
+    THeaderTransformID.ZLIB: zlib.decompress,
+    THeaderTransformID.ZLIB: zlib.compress,
+def readSize(trans):
+    size = readVarint(trans)
+    if size < 0:
+        raise TTransportException(
+            TTransportException.NEGATIVE_SIZE,
+            "Negative length"
+        )
+    return size
+def readString(trans):
+    length = readSize(trans)
+    return trans.read(length)
+def writeString(trans, value):
+    writeVarint(trans, len(value))
+    trans.write(value)
+class THeaderTransport(TTransportBase, CReadableTransport):
+    def __init__(self, transport, allowed_client_types=None):
+        self._transport = transport
+        self._client_type = THeaderClientType.HEADERS
+        if not allowed_client_types:
+            allowed_client_types = [THeaderClientType.HEADERS]
+        self._allowed_client_types = allowed_client_types
+        self._has_ever_read = False
+        self._read_buffer = BufferIO(b"")
+        self._read_headers = {}
+        self._write_buffer = BufferIO()
+        self._write_headers = {}
+        self._write_transforms = []
+        self.flags = 0
+        self.sequence_id = 0
+        self._protocol_id = THeaderSubprotocolID.BINARY
+        self.max_frame_size = 0x3FFFFFFF
+    def isOpen(self):
+        return self._transport.isOpen()
+    def open(self):
+        return self._transport.open()
+    def close(self):
+        return self._transport.close()
+    def get_headers(self):
+        return self._read_headers
+    def set_header(self, key, value):
+        assert isinstance(key, bytes), "header names must be bytes"
+        assert isinstance(value, bytes), "header values must be bytes"
+        self._write_headers[key] = value
+    def clear_headers(self):
+        self._write_headers.clear()
+    def add_transform(self, transform_id):
+        assert transform_id in WRITE_TRANSFORMS_BY_ID, "unknown transform"
+        self._write_transforms.append(transform_id)
+    @property
+    def protocol_id(self):
+        if self._client_type == THeaderClientType.HEADERS:
+            return self._protocol_id
+        elif self._client_type in (THeaderClientType.FRAMED_BINARY, 
+            return THeaderSubprotocolID.BINARY
+        elif self._client_type in (THeaderClientType.FRAMED_COMPACT, 
+            return THeaderSubprotocolID.COMPACT
+        else:
+            raise TTransportException(
+                TTransportException.INVALID_CLIENT_TYPE,
+                "Protocol ID not know for client type %d" % self._client_type,
+            )
+    def read(self, sz):
+        # if there are bytes left in the buffer, produce those first.
+        bytes_read = self._read_buffer.read(sz)
+        bytes_left_to_read = sz - len(bytes_read)
+        if bytes_left_to_read == 0:
+            return bytes_read
+        # if we've determined this is an unframed client, just pass the read
+        # through to the underlying transport until we're reset again at the
+        # beginning of the next message.
+        if self._client_type in (THeaderClientType.UNFRAMED_BINARY, 
+            return bytes_read + self._transport.read(bytes_left_to_read)
+        # we're empty and (maybe) framed. fill the buffers with the next frame.
+        self.readFrame(bytes_left_to_read)
+        return bytes_read + self._read_buffer.read(bytes_left_to_read)
+    def _set_client_type(self, client_type):
+        if client_type not in self._allowed_client_types:
+            raise TTransportException(
+                TTransportException.INVALID_CLIENT_TYPE,
+                "Client type %d not allowed by server." % client_type,
+            )
+        self._client_type = client_type
+    def readFrame(self, req_sz):
+        self._has_ever_read = True
+        # the first word could either be the length field of a framed message
+        # or the first bytes of an unframed message.
+        first_word = self._transport.readAll(I32.size)
+        frame_size, = I32.unpack(first_word)
+        is_unframed = False
+        if frame_size & TBinaryProtocol.VERSION_MASK == 
+            self._set_client_type(THeaderClientType.UNFRAMED_BINARY)
+            is_unframed = True
+        elif (byte_index(first_word, 0) == TCompactProtocol.PROTOCOL_ID and
+              byte_index(first_word, 1) & TCompactProtocol.VERSION_MASK == 
+            self._set_client_type(THeaderClientType.UNFRAMED_COMPACT)
+            is_unframed = True
+        if is_unframed:
+            bytes_left_to_read = req_sz - I32.size
+            if bytes_left_to_read > 0:
+                rest = self._transport.read(bytes_left_to_read)
+            else:
+                rest = b""
+            self._read_buffer = BufferIO(first_word + rest)
+            return
+        # ok, we're still here so we're framed.
+        if frame_size > self.max_frame_size:
+            raise TTransportException(
+                TTransportException.SIZE_LIMIT,
+                "Frame was too large.",
+            )
+        # the next word is either going to be the version field of a
+        # binary/compact protocol message or the magic value + flags of a
+        # header protocol message.
+        second_word = self._transport.readAll(I32.size)
+        bytes_left_to_read = frame_size - I32.size
+        if bytes_left_to_read > 0:
+            rest = self._transport.readAll(bytes_left_to_read)
+        else:
+            rest = b""
+        read_buffer = BufferIO(second_word + rest)
+        version, = I32.unpack(second_word)
+        if version >> 16 == HEADER_MAGIC:
+            self._set_client_type(THeaderClientType.HEADERS)
+            self._read_buffer = self._parse_header_format(read_buffer)
+        elif version & TBinaryProtocol.VERSION_MASK == 
+            self._set_client_type(THeaderClientType.FRAMED_BINARY)
+            self._read_buffer = read_buffer
+        elif (byte_index(second_word, 0) == TCompactProtocol.PROTOCOL_ID and
+              byte_index(second_word, 1) & TCompactProtocol.VERSION_MASK == 
+            self._set_client_type(THeaderClientType.FRAMED_COMPACT)
+            self._read_buffer = read_buffer
+        else:
+            raise TTransportException(
+                TTransportException.INVALID_CLIENT_TYPE,
+                "Could not detect client transport type.",
+            )
+    def _parse_header_format(self, buffer):
+        # make BufferIO look like TTransport for varint helpers
+        buffer_transport = TMemoryBuffer()
+        buffer_transport._buffer = buffer
+        buffer.read(2)  # discard the magic bytes
+        self.flags, = U16.unpack(buffer.read(U16.size))
+        self.sequence_id, = I32.unpack(buffer.read(I32.size))
+        header_length = U16.unpack(buffer.read(U16.size))[0] * 4
+        end_of_headers = buffer.tell() + header_length
+        if end_of_headers > len(buffer.getvalue()):
+            raise TTransportException(
+                TTransportException.SIZE_LIMIT,
+                "Header size is larger than whole frame.",
+            )
+        self._protocol_id = readVarint(buffer_transport)
+        transforms = []
+        transform_count = readVarint(buffer_transport)
+        for _ in range(transform_count):
+            transform_id = readVarint(buffer_transport)
+            if transform_id not in READ_TRANSFORMS_BY_ID:
+                raise TApplicationException(
+                    TApplicationException.INVALID_TRANSFORM,
+                    "Unknown transform: %d" % transform_id,
+                )
+            transforms.append(transform_id)
+        transforms.reverse()
+        headers = {}
+        while buffer.tell() < end_of_headers:
+            header_type = readVarint(buffer_transport)
+            if header_type == TInfoHeaderType.KEY_VALUE:
+                count = readVarint(buffer_transport)
+                for _ in range(count):
+                    key = readString(buffer_transport)
+                    value = readString(buffer_transport)
+                    headers[key] = value
+            else:
+                break  # ignore unknown headers
+        self._read_headers = headers
+        # skip padding / anything we didn't understand
+        buffer.seek(end_of_headers)
+        payload = buffer.read()
+        write_transforms = []
+        for transform_id in transforms:
+            transform_fn = READ_TRANSFORMS_BY_ID[transform_id]
+            payload = transform_fn(payload)
+            if transform_id not in write_transforms:
+                write_transforms.append(transform_id)
+        self._write_transforms = write_transforms
 Review comment:
   Not sure if it's a good idea.
   It gets in your way if you want to save your request bandwidth with extra 
CPU time on client, and not want to spend CPU time on server and happy to fill 
more response bandwidth.
   I'm inclined not to do this.

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> THeader for Python
> ------------------
>                 Key: THRIFT-4621
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-4621
>             Project: Thrift
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Python - Library
>            Reporter: Neil Williams
>            Priority: Minor
> I'm interested in porting THeader for the Python library. If that sounds OK, 
> I'll have a PR ready in not too long.

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