Not the author of that new code, but the typescript code in lib/nodets is not 
actually a library implementation, just a suite of tests. The original JS 
compiler implementation with TypeScript support did not support the nodejs 
compiler switch, which mean generated thrift code in TypeScript would only work 
as a thrift client in the browser.

As for why there are now two "libraries" in the lib directory (which are just 
typescript @types or tests), I believe it's due to the fact that requiring 
libraries in browsers vs in nodejs is different (ie: it's a pain to include a 
lot of libraries with many files when in the browser). It's the same reason why 
there is both a js library and a nodejs library.

On 12/30/18, 8:25 AM, "Allen George" <> wrote:

    Could we ask the committee of the nodets code why the regular ts support 
wasn’t good enough?
    From: James E. King III <>
    Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2018 9:59 AM
    Subject: lib/nodets and lib/ts
    It looks like we have two typescript implementations. lib/nodets is new;
    lib/ts hasn't been updated since early 2016. Do we need both?
    - Jim

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