Hi Jens and Thrift team.

Thanks for this release :-)

I just updated the Apache Trift and Boost versions in Apache PLC4X to the 
latest ones and now everything builds flawlessly.

Thank you very much for your hard work.


Am 16.10.19, 23:59 schrieb "Jens Geyer" <je...@apache.org>:

    Hi folks,
    Apache Thrift 0.13.0 has been released.  
    Some of the mirror sites are still being updated, that may take some hours 
to complete. Meanwhile, in the unlikely case that you can't find any working 
mirror, you can download source tarballs and a statically linked windows thrift 
executable from the GitHub release page, which contains a link to all of the 
release notes as well:
    As part of the 0.13.0 release we have deprecated:
    * C# (use netstd instead)
    * netcore (use netstd instead)
    Main reason is that future C# evolution is announced to be heading towards 
.NET Core, the other reason for this step is the simple fact that maintaining 
two parallel C# branches turned out to work less ideal than planned. So the 
decision was made to converge both into a new netstd target, reaping the best 
fruits of both libraries while focusing on modern C# development as much as 
possible. In this version both C# and netcore targets are still supported to 
allow for a smooth transition. There is also some basic documentation in the 
/lib/csharp folder to help you with the process of migrating your code base. 
Especially if you are coming from C# you may need to plan for some efforts, 
since netstd is purely async/await only.
    There are far more changes, more than I can list here. All the details can 
be found as usual in the changelog and the various JIRA tickets.
    Finally, I want to take the opportunity to a) thank Jim for his work in the 
last months, and b) cite the following paragraph from one of his past release 
    > We're still looking for folks who are interested in being language experts
    > for thrift.  We have a number of languages with little representation on
    > the current committer team.  If you are passionate about a particular
    > language and you want to see thrift available and grow in capability and
    > stability for that language, please visit the Apache Thrift Jira
    > <https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/THRIFT/issues> site and look for
    > open issues for your language in the THRIFT project.  Get involved!  
    > pull requests.  Your work will not go unnoticed.
    I furthermore would also like to thank every contributor and every active 
committer who helped to bring another release of Apache Thrift to fruition. You 
are the people who make Open Source work.
    Have fun,

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