+1. Thanks for all the work, Mario!

On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 8:06 AM Jens Geyer <jensge...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> +1 Sounds good. World add a step though, asking in mailing list if someone
> feels like fixing it if I cannot do myself (eg my Smalltalk is a bit
> rusty). If still nothing happens, disable. And announce it.
> If there is no maintainer for sth then maybe we should consider removing
> that language target altogether.
> Current policy ... nothing written, nothing explicitly agreed upon. But
> its a pain point, thats for sure. Your work is much appreciated.
> Have fun,
> JensG
> Sent from mobile device. You know what that means...
> ________________________________
> From: Mario Emmenlauer <ma...@emmenlauer.de>
> Sent: Thursday, September 2, 2021 10:17:02 AM
> To: Thrift-Dev <dev@thrift.apache.org>
> Subject: Disable failing bindings early?
> Hi all,
> Since a while there are a number of failing Travis builds. As
> far as I can see, they are due to issues with certain bindings
> that do not compile any more, or broken installers of some
> dependencies.
> The problem that I see with the current situation is that the
> failing builds "hide" other problems. For the better part of the
> year, half of the Travis builds failed. But merge requests where
> still merged. I tried my best to only merge when the failing
> builds where unrelated. But of course that is more guesswork than
> knowing.
> So is there a good policy how to deal with failing compilation?
> My recommendation would be to disable failing bindings, if:
>  - nobody is working towards a fix on that binding, and
>  - latest a _few_weeks_ have passed
> so that the rest of the project can move forward.
> I can see one advantage and one disadvantage of this policy:
> Pro: The rest of the project can move forward, unperturbed and
> in high quality (with all builds and tests working).
> Con: The failing bindings may not receive updates or testing
> any more, so it will become harder to resurrect them after a
> while.
> What do others think? Or is there a policy already?
> All the best,
>     Mario Emmenlauer

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