That being said, I would happily support it if we settle on an agreement. Would be a good thing.

Am 04.06.2022 um 12:39 schrieb Jens Geyer:

jiayuliu wrote:
 > Taking a step back, I wonder if we can standardize on a paved path
 > for adding newer standalone types in terms of requiredness/optional,
 >  plugin mechanism, and/or the level of language support, e.g. if I
 > want to add support for date/time/timestamp, following ISO 8601,
 > [,] is that necessarily a
 > good idea to be a standalone type?

Date and timestamps are a good topic a s well, although also a more complicated one. We discussed that shortly in the past (years ago I might add) and came to thne conclusion that because of the sheer plethora of different systems w/regard what systems expect to be a good date/time format onm the market it is quite hartd to come to one way that satisfies all sides:

Main thgings to consider:

  * what is the offset? i.e. what is date null?
  * what is the precision to store?
  * is there a (good) way to handle it available for each language?

I'm personally would be thankful if we have some good timestamp data type, but I also see the problems with it.


PS: What you mean by "in terms of requiredness/optional"?  How is that related?

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