Hi all,

as you may have already noticed I created a uuid branch. Idea is to complete it on that branch until we have a green CI and then merge everything to master.

That goal needs some work on the various languages. Mainly, these are the tasks to do when implementing uuids

 * complete the generator to create valid code for TYPE_UUID
 * implement writeUuid() and readUuid() at TProtocol and derived classes
 * implement testUuid() in both Test Suite server and client
 * validate the results, especially ensure proper network byte order

Altough not strictly required, it turned out to be handy if the Test Suite client could send something along of '00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff' to test for proper byte ordering when running against other languages (cross test). See also [1] for an explanation.

Contributions welcome!

Questions? Please ask!

Have fun,

[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10190817

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