
I'm one of the PMCs of Apache Avro.
Dependabot created a merge request to update your library at our end

This failed because apparently this newer thrift version needs Java 11.
We see this message just prior to our build failing
*[INFO] Restricted to JDK 8 yet
org.apache.thrift:libthrift:jar:0.18.1:compile contains
org/apache/thrift/TBaseProcessor.class targeted to JDK 11*

I recognise the need for building under Java 11 or even Java 17 because
more and more maven/gradle plugins need this.
We have the same problem.
My question is does the binary release of thrift also need java 11 ?
Or can you tweak your build to produce Java 8 compatible binaries ?

Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,

Niels Basjes

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