
we have a queue of several PRs on Github that are open for quite a while now. I probably overlooked something but these are the data I collected right now. Especially for a project like Thruft it is hard for the few active maintainers to do all that work. Very few people are willing to spemnd valuable life time on immersing themselves into 10, 15 or 20 languages enough to be able to do a qualified PR. So we all have our specialties and that's fine. But it also implies, we definitely need more hands on deck to deal with those incoming PRs in at least /some/ timely manner.

Most open PRs we have are related to three very mainstream languages so we theoretically should have enough people around already who could do a review:

- C++: 7
- Java: 7
- Python: 7

Then we have a second group where there is probably not too many people around and/or these PRs just did not catch enough interest (ie. Go,Rust)

- Go: 2
- Rust: 2
- Ruby: 2
- Swift: 2
- Javascript: 2
- Erlang: 1

Also we have a number of CI-related PRs. Here we also have the additional issue that Travis is no longer available which is a set-back to the CI as a whole - aside from the fact that constant changes also caused lots of trouble with it over the years before. So I'm personally not really sure what to do with these.

- CI: 5

Have fun,

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