Hey Jens

Thank You for the reply and being positive!

I took a manual approaching to the packaging process initially.
I've used the source package available from 
http://archive.apache.org/dist/thrift/0.19.0/thrift-0.19.0.tar.gz and I've been 
able to generate a python package from it.
I've also done a local install on the built package and it worked without any 

For generating auto build there's a bit I need to learn and explore - mainly 

For uploading the package to the PyPi repo we'll need access to the repository 
and make use a utility called twine.
I believe you do have the credentials/access and you'll be able to do this 
process. If not, you'll have to add a maintainer.

How should i go about it from here?
Where should i share the built packages?
Do we need a GitHub issue on this? If Yes, any pointers on how to create one?


From: Jens Geyer <jensge...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 7:28 PM
To: dev@thrift.apache.org <dev@thrift.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Contribute to an issue - THRIFT-5688

Hi Adheeth,

 > I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this

Welcome! Yes, indeed it is.

> but the JIRA and GitHub looked very specific to development purpose than 
> discussions

Correct. General matters are to be discussed in these mailing lists.

 > I came across this issue and I wanted to contribute towards
addressing the problem.

As the ticket says, we currently have the funny situation that there is a  high 
demand for updated python packages but nobody that wants to do this or can 
spare the time. I myself do quite a number of packages myself but Thrift 
supports about 20+ target languages - most of which come with an associated 
library package. So any help on this is highly appreciated!

So where are we with that ticket and where do we want to go?

As shortly noted in the ticket, what we want is some step by step process that 
one can follow to publish the pypi package even though one never did that 
before nor has any intention to follow overly complex procedures (as these tend 
to break over time).

What we have already is an pull request with an updated pypi publishing 
procedere, but since I do not use Python myself I can't say much about the 
status of it.


As a first milestone it would be perfect if we could publish the latest package 
in _some_ way (even manually) in order to satisfy the demand for it.

 > I'm new to packaging a project to pypi but i would like to help and
learn during the process.

Learning for sure is a by-product of working in the FOSS community.
Therefore, people around are usually keen to help on specific questions,
especially if those are related to the Apache Thrift project.

What we cannot provide is countless hours of help to guide contributors
through the basics of a certain field. There are much better places for
this, and in this particular case I'm sure the Python community would be
of a much greater help.

Have fun,


Am 25.11.2023 um 18:34 schrieb Adheeth P Praveen:
> Hello,
> I came across this issue and I wanted to contribute towards addressing the 
> problem.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-5688
> I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but the JIRA and GitHub 
> looked very specific to development purpose than discussions
> I'm new to packaging a project to pypi but i would like to help and learn 
> during the process.
> Are there any prerequisites I need to do/learn before addressing this issue?
> I would like to have some support if I hit some technical snags if it comes 
> to a point where I'm unable solve on my own.
> Thanks for reading this!
> bull500

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