I would love to see better integration w/ dynamic languages!

I can help on the Python side.  Can we simply wrap Tika's APIs using
jcc, to expose in Python?  Ooh, it's already been done:

Mike McCandless


2011/11/5 Jérôme Charron <jerome.char...@gmail.com>:
>> I totally am. I've got some PHP skillz and Python skillz
>> that I would be willing to throw into the mix here.
> Yes, I have some basic skillz on Python, and some advanced skillz on PHP,
> so I can help you!
>> One other thing along these lines I've had in mind for a while:
>> how cool would it be to have a CentOS RPM, or Debian pkg
>> or something like this and try and get tika into the std Linux
>> distributions? Like you install Linux and then you have the
>> tika command (maybe a wrapper around tika-app) at your
>> disposal? That would be awesome.
> +1
> Jérôme
> --------
> @jcharron <http://www.twitter.com/jcharron>
> http://motre.ch/
> http://jcharron.posterous.com/
> http://www.shopreflex.fr/
> http://www.staragora.com/
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