Welcome Antoni!

Mike McCandless


On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Antoni Mylka <antoni.my...@gmail.com> wrote:
> W dniu 2011-12-12 17:58, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) pisze:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Please welcome Antoni Mylka to the ranks of the Tika PMC and as a Tika
>> committer.
>> He's just been VOTEd in and we're really happy to have him around.
>> Antoni, please feel free to say a bit about yourself. Thanks and welcome
>> aboard!
> Hi everyone,
> I'm an independent software developer based in Kraków, Poland. I've been
> working for more than 5 years now for Aduna and DFKI as a maintainer of
> Aperture Framework, a project which started in 2005 whose goals turned out
> to overlap with Tika's (which started sometime in 2007 afair). Hence, I've
> been following Tika development almost since the beginning.
> In recent months, Tika has achieved a level of quality (1.0!!!) which made
> me reconsider the feasibility of maintaining our own, similar components in
> Aperture. That's why I got involved more, started posting issues, and now I
> got invited to become a committer. Thanks very much for the invitation. I'll
> do my best to do more good than harm :).
> At the moment I'm mostly interested in media type detection with a clear
> short-term goal to fix all the regressions i.e. things which the old
> Aperture MagicMimeTypeIdentifier could detect, but the new
> TikaMimeTypeIdentifier (Aperture interface - tika implementation) can't.
> In a longer term I'll be slowly migrating the apps I work on to use Tika
> parsers. They can't just be "switched" to Tika. This will be a slow, gradual
> process with careful regression testing. I think it's inevitable though, how
> many POI-based Word parsers does the world need?
> Antoni Myłka
> antoni.my...@gmail.com

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