
I wanted to start submitting patches for the following and would like your 
input on that:

Create one "Core Properties" interface for the Metadata class which contains 
just the keys for the properties which should be directly addressable through 
the Metadata class in the future. Those are all DublinCore plus copyright and a 
bit of other relevant stuff. Those keys will be the ones we have had before 
like "Title", "Keywords", "Format", etc.
The keys will always link to properties of other namespace interfaces like:
String Title = DublinCore.Title.getName();
String Author = DublinCore.Creator.getName();

On a side note: This version is a bit different for the DublinCore namespace to 
what is provided by TIKA-859. Instead of introducing a new DC_Creator property 
I would keep the current Creator property in the Core interface and by removing 
DublinCore interface from the Metadata class, the core property can easily 
alias the DC ones like above. I would provide a new patch for TIKA-859.

The keys of all other interfaces currently included in the Metadata class will 
be either removed to avoid conflicts with the Core interface or declared 
@Deprecated and replacements will be offered by specific namespace interfaces.
For example:
MSOffice.Author -> removed, replaced by new CoreProperties.Author which links 
to DublinCore.Creator
MSOffice.Template -> kept, but declared deprecated and replaced by new 

In the long term all interfaces except the core one should be removed from the 
Metadata class, otherwise we end up with tons of naming conflicts.


Jörg Ehrlich | Computer Scientist | XMP Technology | Adobe Systems | 
joerg.ehrl...@adobe.com | work: +49(40)306360

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