Hi Swapnil,

Thats a fair argument.
I suggest you submit the patch/pull request for the site templates with your 
changes. I would be happy to give more feedback wherever needed. 
Also, thanks for your input.

Ankur Chauhan

On Oct 15, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Swapnil Kulkarni wrote:

> Hello Ankur,
> Glad to see your mail & appreciate your feedback.
> 1) I'm not trying to solve/improve any Tika stuff or trying to create a
> revolution with new design. That is very obvious, isn't it? I was trying to
> make this website more appealing & user friendly to end users. Proper
> design would also help a lot for SEO. Usage of things like Mix Panels would
> make traffic monitoring even more better than Google Analytics.
> We all are software engineers and are used to good/neat reference pages.
> Thanks to folks at Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox etc for spoiling our habits
> of referencing to those age old wiki pages :) It's time to move on. Tika is
> a wonderful project and have very brilliant brains working on it then why
> do we have a website which looks below average. The first impression of the
> project is given by its website. In my opinion, Tika website needs a
> makeover and I'm ready to work for it. You may want to compare Tika website
> with other Apache project websites. Just in case if you disagree.
> 2) None of the tutorials/guides will become useless. Tika website has a
> well defined folder structure & file names. If we could just re-write them
> then all links should work fine. There wont be any backward compatibility
> issues as well. In my opinion - every problem has a solution :)
> 3) I never said that twitter bootstrap is the best or latest framework but
> it's certainly a good starting point.
> With all respect to your opinion. I think - "Time is a dressmaker
> specializing in alterations".  Tika website certainly needs a makeover for
> good.
> +Swapnil
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 3:31 AM, Ankur Chauhan <ankurtro...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Swapnil,
>> If i may raise a simple question, what are you trying to solve/improve by
>> the new design? I am just trying to get an idea of the reasoning behind the
>> new layout and what would it bring to the table as this would make all the
>> tutorials/guides useless which have steps guiding people to new places.
>> Also, we may need to setup redirects for different pages to maintain
>> backwards compatibility with the urls that are already out there.
>> I like the twitter bootstrap framework's simplicity but at the same time I
>> am also a proponent of "if it ain't broken, don't fix it".
>> Ankur Chauhan
>> ankurtro...@gmail.com / an...@malloc64.com
>> PS: design looks good, its simple but to be frank, bootstrap has been a
>> tad bit overused.
>> On Oct 14, 2012, at 5:07 PM, Swapnil Kulkarni wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> This is Swapnil & I recently used Apache Tika for one of my school
>>> projects. Although existing website was very useful, I thought I could
>> make
>>> it even better(HTML5). Web development is my hobby and I like
>> experimenting
>>> with new UI frameworks. I love to design and develop user friendly
>>> websites. In my free time, I have created these sample pages for Apache
>>> Tika website using Twitter's Bootstrap (responsive layout).
>>> Home Page: http://www-scf.usc.edu/~swapnilk/tika/index.html
>>> Download Page: http://www-scf.usc.edu/~swapnilk/tika/download.html
>>> Apache Tika website mostly has read-only data. If you like this
>>> layout/design then I'm more than happy to voluntarily re-develop &
>> maintain
>>> this website.
>>> Please let me know your thoughts.
>>> Thank you,
>>> +Swapnil
>>> PS: Please note that this is just a sample prototype hence it may not
>> have
>>> all data/active links.

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