On Mon, 16 Sep 2013, Kevin Slote wrote:
My name is Kevin Slote and I am looking to report a bug that I think I found in the Tika JAX-RS server. I was not really sure where I should report this.

Your best bet would be to create a new bug in JIRA, our issue tracker -

In the source code for TikaServerCli.java in the svn repository, there is
this block of code

     int port = DEFAULT_PORT;

     if (line.hasOption("port")) {
       port = Integer.valueOf(line.getOptionValue("port"));

which lets the user specify the port from the command line.  But a couple of
lines down there is this line that sets the post number.

   sf.setAddress("http://localhost:"; + MsgServerClient.DEFAULT_PORT + "/");

Can you produce a patch that fixes it? If so, attach that along with the bug report. If possible, please do a unit test too which verifies that it then correctly processes the option (not sure if that's possible though given that area of code)


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